Ridiculously Overpowered Captain Falcon

If you’re a comic fan, you’ll enjoy this, it’s Captain Falcon with the most powerful items from DC and Marvel.
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It’s top tier time!

Meta Knight is top tier in SSBB. Rufus is top tier in Super Street Fighter IV. What happens  if two top tier characters become one?

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One Color =! Cel-Shading

This post has pretty nice timing, right after Androu’s rant about how solid color mods are shit and shouldn’t be here.

But I guess this is a bit different, huh? Falcon has a spec map.

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Some More Random Songs

I’m not done with Lavos yet (And believe me It’s going to be completely different from the one that exists now), So here are some more BRSTMs (And a few trophies) until I’m done with It.

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Well I’m outta here

Heh! Only for a month. I’m going to the California Summer School of the Arts at CalArts for some rigorous courses in digital art. When I get back, well… I should be a lot better at what I do. There are ethernet ports in the dorms there, but I doubt I’ll have the time to work on whatever vertex hack I decide on next; I only get Sundays off (this is pr0 stuff, no fooling around).

So, yeah, just a little announcement as to what I’m going to be up to for a month so shortly after announcing my return… as a consolation here’s a huge poster I made concerning two game companies I hold near and dear. It’s seriously huge, click it for proof.

One of the things I had to do was produce something that can hang in the student gallery at the school, and this is it. It’s supposed to represent me and my tastes, hence the massive biases and contradictions to reality; Mike Jones, Ness AND Kumatora in, but no Donkey Kong? Baby Bonnie Hood instead of Felicia, or another Darkstalkers character who hasn’t had attention since the series? Gene??? Well, love it or hate it. In my defense I could have put Dhalsim or Akuma instead of Chun-Li. If I truly didn’t care and just wanted to draw a bunch of game heroes I like, X, Amaterasu and Arthur wouldn’t be there, Red’s backup would include a Politoed and a Rotom, and Blade Master Alastor would be in there.

So here’s hoping one of my roomies is a photographer named Frank. Peace out.

Oh look what shitty textures…

The texture that was posted here has been removed because: it was shit.

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For me, the day Bison graces our Stack Smash is the most important day of Ganondorf’s life. But for you…

It’s Tuesday.

Hey dudes. As I promised before, I’m back and I’m jumping on the modeling bandwagon. I hope to be somewhat prolific with these, and I’ll be doing all my own textures. So here’s the great gruff dictator of Shadaloo in the hulking Ganondorfian flesh.
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GUESS WHO????!!!+update

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It’s-a me, BP. This update is just to let you know, I updated the hacks list/roster page/download place. And, luckily, most of them actually have downloads this time. And you can finally get Fox McClown, Hulk Davidson and Dr. Horrible (though I think I must have accidentally deleted his red, end-of-movie costume).

I don’t have any new textures (or model hacks) to show you (yet) but all the work I had to do to update the hacks list… should prove that I still care. I’ll be making head-burstingly insane texture hacks again before you know it.

Also, while I agree that a place like BrawlVault is perfectly sensible as a place you can go to find links to textures more easily, I do not get the fucking point of linking to BrawlVault from Stack Smash.

Look, a Brawl hack on Stack Smash. *clicks download*
Look, a Brawl hack on Brawl Vault. *clicks download*
Look, the name of a Brawl Hack on MediaFire. *clicks download*
Look, a “sign up for MediaFire pro or wait one minute” page. *waits one minute*
Look, the download button. *clicks download*
Look, a message asking where I want to save this file. *clicks save* *waits for the download to finish*
What the HELL, man. A banal process like this is an insult to everyone who even has to think about it! So instead of that I just linked the downloads from the list directly to the MediaFire/MegaUpload/whatever page. In the end I can only remove the second step, but my fellow satellite users will probably appreciate that…

Also, please don’t make a joke about British Petroleum. I’ve heard enough of them and they’re almost as terrible as the problem itself.

Awww look at the little baby, Aren’t you cute. Where’s your mommy?

I’m not a little baby, I’m Guybrush Threepwood Mighty Pirate!

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