Author Archive for Dhragen

GUESS WHO????!!!+update

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You like gunblades?..AND EXTRA!!

Squall Leonhart

Haha….i completly forgot about this, too much work recently. So this is a vertex hack made by LookItsLink from KCMM, using my original Squall texture as a base. I asked Jack if i can update this in StackSmash at the same time as KittyCorp, and he agreed……….well, except they updated it early, and i’m an slowpoke, o_o….Anyway, i don’t think it’s a problem to update it now, right? :S

Anyway, enjoy the great vertex hack of LookItsLink…..Guns n’ Swords are awesome, :3

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….About time i made those guys…..

Remmember the good old Syntax Error times? Well, in that days, kinda near of the release, they asked us for help and collab them with textures, and we agreed with that.

After that,some good textures comes, but there’s one (well, actually 4) that really put me into effort and consumed my time, the Metroid Gang. The whole Pokemon Team, but in metroid fashion, with tmother brain commanding them, an small version of Kraid with the Spore Spawn boss in his back, and evolved metroid known as Zeta Metroid, and one of the most requested characters in that time and my personal favorite videogame character, the mighty Ridley

Well, that was before, and now a great number of textures for Pokemon Trainer was released, like the Team Aqua/Magma/Rocket PAC, the Silent Metal and Sack Pokemons made by DasDonkey, and yeah, the Vertex Hack Leaf Pokemon Trainer. With this type of competitors in this new 2010, i simply can’t leave my Metroid Gang stay as it, as a PT mainer and as a Metroid fan i can’t allow that, it must stay on the fray!

It’s time to end the long intro, time to release the revamp i was working in those 3 months and end with the hype, it’s time for…….


….with no more recolors, more quality, and some interesting features, that you can see in this PICS!!!

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Mi Apoyo desde Puerto Montt..

Pues, creo que este es mi primer update donde yo hablo 100% español. Como bien saben, yo soy chileno, y ya todos deben estar enterados de la catastrofe que ocurrio en mi pais natal por el terremoto. Como soy residente de la region de los lagos, no hubo afectados en esa zona (incluido yo), pero para los que tubieron la mala suerte de ser golpeados tanto fisica como sicologicamente por el sismo, desde la quita hasta la novena region, quiero entregar todo mi apoyo a todos ellos.

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We are StackSmash, and we steal surveys!!!

Long time no see you guys. Well, here’s the thing:

I’m gonna make a survey, with some questions related to the team and everything (and one stoled from KC:MM, but I think it’s fine, even if Jack shot me with a gun :9), SO… Let’s start:

1. What does Stack Smash need more of, quantity or quality?

2. If Stack Smash needed a leader, what member do you propose?

3. From what member do you want more updates and activity?

4. What team is “friendlier” with us? KCMM or ESH??

5. Excluding the inactive/previous members, and in a scale from 1 to 5, how you rate the current members on StackSmash? (GrandSirThebus doesn’t count since he’s new here)

-C. Chaser

6. Do you like the colors that symbolize us (Black and Red) or should we use another ones?

7. If from all the textures we needed to choose a mascot, what one would you choose?

8. “We do shit right!” it’s our curren’t catch phrase. Should we stick with it, or should we change it?

9. What character do you want more textures for?

10. Vertex hacks or PSA?

11. Our banner’s text’s font, stick with it or make a new one?

12. The way everyone is calling “PROJECT” to everything is annoying… What name should we use instead?

13. Any personal suggestion you want to make to us to get back into the competition? (About the team, NOT related with suggesting characters/stages)

14. Should we delete the “Suggestions” page since no one of us it’s actually looking on it and it’s turning more like an space holder?

15. A normal banner, a .GIF banner, or a Flash banner, what one you preffer?

16. If Stacksmash wanted to do collabs, then who we should do them with?

And that’s all, I don’t know how to make a poll (sorry about that, :(), so insert your answers in the comments.

And this is a half-serious, half-funny survey, so take it as “normal” please, 😛

Also, for everyone who frequently visit us, thanks by all the all time supporting, 🙂

It’s mine! It’s FINALLY mine!

My texture in Brawl is MINE!!!!

Now Shake Dimention and Super Smash Bros. Brawl, tremble before your new king!!
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Snake: Colonel, it’s me! I’m fighting myself!!

Colonel: That’s a Pink Marshmallow, Snake…………..

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Well…i think that this is a good bye……

After much time thinking on it….i decided to drop out all the stuff related with texture hacking….The reason??? is just that the life itself demands me to do this. You know……..In this new decade, i really want to focus to my future and to my studies now that i am returning to the university, and i also want to try chances in getting a job, and Texture Hacking is a big time consuming for me, and you know guys, with 20 years i need to stop acting like a 15 years child and start acting like an adult.

But don’t be sad, i will still visiting the texture sites and the irc of stacksmash, but not as an texturer and as a member of Stack Smash anymore………

So i think this is just a good bye, just like NICKtendo did. And of course, my loyalty to Stack Smash is second to none forever!, so good luck to every one, specially to BP, PZT, Pako, S, Jim, Androu1 and to all the people of the SS team.

Also….before i go, this is an small gift to you people…..a revamped Masked Man, with a patch in the left eye forever, and with the helmet more gray than before, 😛 (credit goes to RandomTBush by helped me with this, :P)


So, bye everyone, was a pleasure meeting with you guys, 🙂


Revamps, Revamps, Revamps and SURPRISE!!!!!

Dhragen here again, yay!! 😀

Well, you already know that i am a extremly exagerated perfectionist in almost….well…EVERYTHING. So!…in all the time when Stack Smash was down i made NO TEXTURES!!! but, instead, i bring to you REVAMPS!! V3 revamp of 4 of my costumes, so, lest’s move to them…….

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A mysterious young woman, controlled by the Empire, and born with the gift of magic…

K, the following are SPOILERS, so remmember, you are all advised, SO NO COMPLAIN!!! i just want to write shit, O_ó

“All started in the Land of Espers years ago, when a woman with the name of Madeline arrived to that place by unknown reasons with several injuries on her body, but hopeful one of the Espers, Maduin, took care and healed her.”

“The other Espers started to act like racist with Madeline and they dissaprove about her, and she after hearing that, decided to go away by her own, but Maduin changed her mind and both falled in love between themselves, created a weird way of sex involving retarded spins, and from that love they got together a baby, an hybrid half-human, half-esper, and they named her Terra….”

“but after two years of exciting happiness and spin sex, Gestahl and his minions seized the Land of Koridai the Espers, capturing too many Espers with his Pokémons Soldiers, and he ends raizing Terra like a weapon machine, taking advantage of her abilities to raise even more his Empire. ”

“Oh And with the espers Gestahl created Metal Gears, end of story….”


And now Terra Branford, the fated hybrid, old but hot, ends making it in Brawl just like kefka to kick his butt, and just like in Final Fantasy VI/Dissidia, she can use his powerful and useful magic, and she even turn into her mighty Esper form!!!!………well, with less hair, but who cares??? 😛

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