FATALITY [Triple Update]

at first I didn’t think this would work on Link…

but it did! Scorpian, Subzero and Ermac

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Dayutar Koburuk!

Kido my FAVORITE mamodo joins the brawl. A continuation of my Zatch Bell texture I guess. Kido’s spells range from forming guns out of his fists, to summoning giant mechanical goddesses. Unfortunately his book got burned in episode 73 so as a little tribute I made this texture, ENJOY!!

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Neon, that guy everyone hates, here to fuck up your Stack Smash. You definately know me from ESH, and if you don’t THAN FUCK OFF! Now enjoy my shit.

Continue reading ‘EXACTLY’

Everytime you masturbate…

…God kills a kitten

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You will be having nightmares tonight.

At level 25, Gastly evolves into…


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He has the strength… of a bear!

I ain’t dead, yo.

Bear Hugger is here. Bear Hugger will Punch- you Out!!.

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Visit Da Palace >>> AND OTHER STUFF

Leon’s Palace will have shit I don’t put on SS, and maybe some other stuff ….

I would also like to tell you guys to visit:

BTW, about my SS stuff …. I finally found most of it (I think) and well yeah … I just gotta upload it, which I’ll do tomorrow … or sometime … or maybe never …. depends on if I’m in a good mood or not 😛

Just when you thought New Members were over…

ANOTHER new member? Yeah, it’s me (some people may recognize me from YouTube), but I’m a bit different from most SS members. Instead of making textures (which I know nothing about), I specialize in moveset hacking.

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We’ve only got one thing to tell you. (GCN)

Welcome to Moonside.

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What? Another member?? + DRN-004

You heard right, another person joins SS! You may have already seen some of my textures at the KC Forums now I’m here to bring you more. So you want too know more about me? I’m a barking feline from NZ. What else do you need to know? :p

I based this texture off Snipa5800’s one. Lots of people liked it but he never released it. So here I am to save the day. This took me about 3 weeks to complete, and I must say it looks a lot better than Snipa’s. Transparencies were a bitch too do so I really hope you guys enjoy this texture.

So for those who haven’t realized who it is yet, I present to you, Gutsman.
Continue reading ‘What? Another member?? + DRN-004’