Yesz! Grues pretend to be adorable Domos around small children so then they can reveal their disgusting appetite for flesh and devour all of humanity!
It is pitch dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
Eh? Not really. I have the textures, but I haven’t been able to bother with him yet due to my laptop’s screen breaking so I can only use the Mac now, and since nobody has Mac versions of any of the texture making tools, I haven’t been able to make anything for quite some time, which sucks.
I’ve only made things with Zelda, Samus, Link, Toon Link, Luigi and Ness so far, so no, I guess I don’t.
Though, I’ve only really liked about 3 Pikachu texture hacks that I’ve seen, so I obviously know that there are a lot of limitations with Pikachu. Pichu textures are proof enough.
FURST! lol
SECOND! Odd title. Damn little cat slayer Domo demon thingy! Earliest I ever commented here!
Phreeqi Edit
Phreeqi Edit
Fou- *Shot*
I vaguely remember who this is.
Phreeqi Edit
Stop Counting, You’re doing it wrong.
I’m scared. 0_0
Phreeqi Edit
This Phreeq is a spy
I kill alot of kittens… >:U
Phreeqi Edit
This isn’t really Phreeqi
lol this texture was bound to come around some day.
Phreeqi Edit
This one is by Phreeqi though
Ok… not the best texture.
Phreeqi Edit This is the real real real Phreeqi
PZT must kill many a kitten.
I love Phreeq, he is so hawt. =3
mod hax
god just killed a kitten, T.T
Mouth needs to be bigger. Otherwise, cool.
But with the small mouth, it looks too much like the Pedo Bear. Maybe the mouth should be on the body?
Has potential.
Are you aware of how much Pikachu’s textures suck, Moldy? Off course you are not.
No No No! You guys got it all wrong! that is NOT DOMO-KUN! It’s a Grue.
In soviet Russia, Kitten kills YOU!
They might be the same thing.
I’ve always said “Great I hate kittens”
elcetroblade kills kittens ever night
Good… I ain’t Soviet. Or even Russian.
Ummm….better on Kirby con’t you think.
Looks like Pedo Bear :0
Lol, awesome.
I feel like playing Domo-Kun’s Angry Smashfest now…
Despite the title, I figured this would be Domo (’cause of the meme), so I clicked.
Wild Domochu appeared! ^_^
Domokun = win. Weird meme is weird, though. 😛
Yesz! Grues pretend to be adorable Domos around small children so then they can reveal their disgusting appetite for flesh and devour all of humanity!
It is pitch dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
DOMO! *eats him due to looking like a sickers bar*……what?
i was about to make him with kirby xD
good job
i hate those god damn cats >:C
This is very awesome.
Wait… I just masturbated yesterday! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Lol, jk, it’s funny.
umm i think i killed a kitteh rite nao D:
Damn, I’m a mass murderer 🙁
Eh? Not really. I have the textures, but I haven’t been able to bother with him yet due to my laptop’s screen breaking so I can only use the Mac now, and since nobody has Mac versions of any of the texture making tools, I haven’t been able to make anything for quite some time, which sucks.
I’ve only made things with Zelda, Samus, Link, Toon Link, Luigi and Ness so far, so no, I guess I don’t.
Though, I’ve only really liked about 3 Pikachu texture hacks that I’ve seen, so I obviously know that there are a lot of limitations with Pikachu. Pichu textures are proof enough.
I can has download?
hahahahahaha fucking epic
*Faps to Zelda pr0nz*
…: +1 dead kitties
I made god kill kittens every day