Don’t you recognize him?

This hack may seem simple, but I had a lot of problems with It. I’ll get into that in a minute, but first here’s Todd in the Shadows!

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Read this peeps

Alright. So yesterday someone messaged me on BrawlVault and asked me to join his hacking team that is called “Brawl ‘r’ Us”. I asked if I had to leave my other team and he said “no” and that we should, maybe, fuse the teams. What do you guys think about that?

Pokemon B/W Dragon Spiral Palace!


AND HERE IT IS! Another stage to go over that awesome Metal Gear Solid stage. These pictures aren’t too good there’s better ones on BrawlVault.




You know how long it took me to make this hack? Like, two hours! TWO HOURS!

Well, if my cathedral of cutting-edge taste holds no interest for your tragically Canadian sensibilities, then I shall be forced to grant you a swift exit from the premises… and a fast entrance into HELL!

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Galaxy Of Lost Battlefields FD version


yeeeeaaaaauuuhhh all i did was switch out the BF stage and put in FD



MeleeMaster500’s 2 Year Hiatus

Preview of pack

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I Quit

This is my official retirement. I had an amazing run here, this was amazing, this was incredible, I had so much fun here, this was a great experience in my life, and I have a lot of appreciation for everyone who supported me over the years. I gotta thank Stack Smash for taking a chance on a rabid fan with minimal hacking skills all those years ago. I’ll remember It like It was last Thursday. I gotta thank the fans, and the huge fan base that I’ve built up over the years. You guys mean everything to me, I wouldn’t have been able to do all the amazing things I’ve done without you. Thank you, you’ve all been so amazing, I’m done. Farewell.

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Oh my oh my

It’s Mienshao. It’s a Lucario texture. Not that anyone gives a shit about those
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Hey, why not more Pokemon?

I’m not dead yet!  i’ve just had a bad few weeks recently.

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Late introduction

OK so this is a bit late but when i first came into the team i had never used wordpress before so i didnt know what PAVNG ment by “introduce” yourself, but now i know how to post and what not.  SOOOOO im yojj5….you may have seen that name in many other places yojj8, yojj7, yojj5 ect yeah its the name i use for just about every account i make for something .So if you see it its problably me, anyway i make stage hacks.  mosly pokemon hacks because they are fun and the easyest for me.  I dont know how to import so i rely on other peoples models or the original brawl models most of the time to make my stages.  Since i became apart of the team i been trying to make better Hacks and i released one of my best Hacks N’s Castle like 2 days ago so yeah now you know me PEACE.