1. Shout-out to you guys at McLeod Gaming Forums. 47 pages of discussion and still not bored. Couple that with an awesome hack list. I’m going to look forward to reading through your topic.
2. Yes we have everything EE made. Unfortunately we can’t leak because ]EE[ would be held liable. That’s nooooo good. The only thing we can do is remix some of EE’s hacks and put a fresh Stack Smash spin on them.
3. Yes, Nintendo did indeed try to nail them with a lawsuit. Hacks are important but your life/career is more-so.
4. We’ll be moving to a new host soon in order to not be royally screwed by Nintendo’s bigwig lawyers and their hammer-space wallets and briefcases. I’ll still be your loving host and founder however. We’re not going anywhere as far as I can foresee so enjoy the ride.
5. Nintendo, if you’re reading this, what do you have to gain by putting a few fan-artists in jail? I know you need money but this is ridiculous. Going after the Homebrew Channel? Nope, gotta sue the fanartists. Going after GCTracker and all the other piracy sites? Nope, sue the fanartists! Instead of taking it out on your fans, the people that like you, want to pay tribute to you, take it out on the enablers of piracy. Syntax-Error wasn’t even going to distribute an ISO. It was a patch that would be worthless without an ISO. They had long, winding legal agreements. They had all the attempts they can to remove anything illegal or promoting piracy. I don’t believe your legal department, with your infinite cashwads, could turn such a blind eye to all the pirates yet sue the people who are actually trying to make sure they don’t do anything illegal. That makes no sense. But, since you’re a huge multi-national corporation, I think you’ll enjoy ignoring this while you take it out on the little guy. G’night!
I am going now to post one of my works, one that I am really, really proud of, and I loved how you guys congratulated me for this idea.
The ]EE[ project may be gone, but their purpose and dream lives on.
Now forget the bad times and be happy with this team again.
Continue reading ‘You Saw them before, and you loved them, let’s keep this feeling alive…’
Alright, the story from ]EE[ is that they ran into some technical difficulties. They have some suspicions regarding the matter but the short and sweet version is that the patch will unfortunately not be released.
I’m currently talking with Raganook on the matter. Don’t worry they’re not dead.
I’m currently finding out whats going on with things.
Ok, forget the crappy title, the reason I’m here is to tell you of a forum I made sometime ago for my own personal projects, since then, I’ve converted it into a Texture hacking forum (along with Machinima I’m doing :P)
I was hoping people would sign up, since EE’s texture guide is out now, I can see many people having problems, wanting help, and even making their own teams, thats what this forum is for, so feel free to sign up, and enjoy yourself there
(there are general and team chat rooms, help areas, and even a place to showcase your hacks)
Today, we bring you a hack that’ll be appearing in ]EE[‘s patch. It’s Promethus, the robot party member better known as Robo from the classic SNES RPG Chrono Trigger! Originally created to help his human masters in the Proto Dome, Robo went dormant in 1999 AD. He waited there until he was repaired in 2300 AD, and having forgotten his purpose, he….
JOINED THE BRAWL! If you don’t remember that happening in Chrono Trigger, I guess you just didn’t pay enough attention, huh?
Continue reading ‘]EE[ Cameo hack approaching! Time to pull the (Chrono) Trigger!’
Let’s get infected in here!
Let’s get infected in here!
Let’s get infected in here!
Let’s get infected in here!
Anyway, Androu1 here. Releasing the first stage hack ever. Phazonfair! It seems some textures have mipmaps that I totally didn’t do, tho. Will get that fixed sometime. I don’t really know what to say. It looks epic.
Look at the pics, I’m so proud 😀
Here comes Fario, from that bootleg “Mario Lottery” game thing, “Dian Shi Ma Li” IIRC.
He’s grown out of lottery and he’s now the one that controls all the gambling that goes down in the ‘shroom Kingdom. This stresses him so much it’s not even funny (well, it actually is).
His manner’s need **** load of work. He swears whenever the **** he gets the chance. Reminds me of a certain person on the IRC chat, actually… *cough*
Anyway, your pics are down there, ******.
Blame Warchamp for leaking our entire backlog of EE cameo textures, then leaving me high and dry with no pictures and skipping out 3 hours before I had to update.
Continue reading ‘Edit: Update tonight. Now with more vendetta.’
We at Stack Smash would like you to welcome yet another new member!
Bird Person is a good friend of mine (Captain Jim), and is an extremely talented artist. He brings his skills that he uses to create amazing comics into the fray, to breathe life into new textures for your viewing pleasure (and to prepare for his future)! Please give him a warm welcome!
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