I feel H A P P Y…

It hurts…

Continue reading ‘I feel H A P P Y…’

The poor robot that everyone forgot about…

And so, Santadorf sat little Roy upon his knee.
“What do you want for Christmas, little Roy?” the terrible saint asked, his eyes sparkling with evil.
“For Christmas, I want a R.O.B. costume!” replied the lad with the crimson hair, his eyes big with wonder, joy, and fire.
“…a R.O.B. costume? But no one asks for those!” said the confused Claus, raising one white eyebrow.
“I know…but I heard that if I get a R.O.B. costume, he’ll bring a friend in another update!” the boy said excitedly. Santadorf shrugged.
“Eh, whatever floats your boat.” the festive fiend said with a sigh, and he PAAAAAAAUNCHED the following costume into existence.

Continue reading ‘The poor robot that everyone forgot about…’


Merry Christmas! Santa Ganon has delivered a HEAVILY REQUESTED COSTUME! Behold, one of Melee’s Fallen Five. His Burning blade comes to bring down all who cross his path, who try to take him out (SAKURAAAAAAAAAAAIIIII!!!!), who try to best him. Behold, the warrior returns! Roy’s our boy! Continue reading ‘ROY’S OUR BOI!’

This is an Christmas costume and you didn’t expect it.

Did you REALLY think we wouldn’t do a XMas related costume? DID YOU REALLY THINK THAT?

It’s just we didn’t want to release it by january, like others (LOL).

Anyway,  Santa has grown evil. And kinda thin. IDK why, but this guy gives me the creeps now.

He may punch the XMas into you!

Continue reading ‘This is an Christmas costume and you didn’t expect it.’

The Triforce of Fear

Riding in the night on his dark stallion, the King of Darkness rode towards Hyrule, initiating his new plan to take over as King of Hyrule. Just as he was making his way over the final hill towards Hyrule, he was confronted by a green-clad hero on a red-brown horse with a mighty blade of light and justice. The King just stared and snickered. He gradually got off of his steed, and began to walk towards the boy. The boy got off his steed and stood in a defensive position , waiting. The King began chuckling to himself, then laughing maniacally, and the young hero didn’t know why. Soon the King was standing right in front of the boy, towering over him. He glanced down and ,with a quickness, grabbed his throat. Holding the hero in a death choke, the King began laughing again. Then he pulled out his blade and pointed it at the hero and whispered to him, “Now we’ll both be the bad guy…”. suddenly, they both became enshrouded with dark purple clouds, no doubt the work of sorcery, The King cackled maniacally again, and crushed the green-clad hero’s throat. As blood splattered onto his face, dripping from his hands, and the dark aura surrounding both of them, the King impaled himself in the abdomen, dying himself. Soon after, the evil smoke entered both their bodies, and ran through their blood. Their eyes became blood-red, their skin pale; soon after they stood up. Being just a few minutes away from the main city of Hyrule, they both climbed upon their horses, riding into the vermillion sunset, towards Hyrule to bring about its demise, with a new leader in mind…

Continue reading ‘The Triforce of Fear’


OK! Prepare to see something epic, that will pwn you! I know you want pics, but read this first! This blue guy already have MANY things in this site…guess who? MEGAMAN!

But this is not a costume…HA! It’s an assist thropie! Now, he and his friend, Mettaur, will pwn you! I’m uploading an epic video at youtube, so stay tuned, i’ll update this post as soon as i upload it.



Continue reading ‘PEW PEW, FIGHT DA POWAH!’

Phazonfair V2

Yeah, there’s no much to talk about here, but here’s the changes :

-Brighter Phazon

-Mips fixed


Well, that’s all, nao get da pics.

Continue reading ‘Phazonfair V2’

RAAAAAAAAWR! Oh wait, I can talk!

He’s not grey, but his name implies that. He’s also a monster, which is totally implied and true…kinda…

Anyway, I don’t feel like talking about bull you don’t care about in here today, LOL.




Continue reading ‘RAAAAAAAAWR! Oh wait, I can talk!’

The name game

To all you people coming in from GoNintendo, let me just sort out the names.
1. We are Stack Smash. We are hosted on the unleadedmugen network. Our name is not unleadedmugen, that is our host.
2. The people who got hit with a cease and desist is ]Syntax-Error[, our affiliates you see, not us.
3. We’ll still be trudging along, avoiding Nintendo’s godly resources.
I would like to thank you guys at GoNintendo for reporting on the story, however, all your naming confusion made my brain hurt.


The funniest animals evah in any FF game! Dah Moogles, kupo!

One of them went several transfor-kupo-mations and turned into a weird rat…thing…with…electric…powers…and…stuff…

Errr…this is horrible…


Continue reading ‘KUPOISM IS NOT A RELIGION!’