Double Update! MOAR R.O.B.S! MOAR!

Thaaaaaat’s right! Just what you wanted! MOAR R.O.B.S! FOR THE END OF R.O.B. WEEK, WE GAVE YOU A DOUBLE UPDATE! AREN’T YOU LUCKY?

The first is a powerful robot from the game MOTHER/Earthbound Zero, created by Leon but as it was for ROB week, still Stack Smash territory. She resides on Mt. Itoi (yes we know), her purpose to aid Ninten in his perilous quest! EVE joins the Brawl!

The second is ROB after being subjected to the torturous process of Aparoideation (Star Fox Assault), which is truly an Assault on the mind. (ba dum pssh) ROB is gone. There is only ApaROB.

Continue reading ‘Double Update! MOAR R.O.B.S! MOAR!’

Let’s Get Mature!

Someone’s copying Nintendo’s gimmicks. And this time, it’s not Sony (gaaaaasssspp!!) So, are all the characters in Brawl a little too kiddy for you? Do you need some more hardcore? I’ve got just the thing for you–The Xbox 360 Robot!

Continue reading ‘Let’s Get Mature!’

A message for everyone.


Master Luke, please! Be reasonable!

This ‘bot has made skillz in interpreting, and his numbah one homie speaks in beeps and boops. His mastah is the son of da man who made him! Worshiped by Ewoks, ignored by his homies, it’s the gold-covahed ‘bot…


Continue reading ‘Master Luke, please! Be reasonable!’

This update has Pics, Arrr! (Pixar if you didn’t get it. >:c )

For 700 years…this little guy did what he was made for. He crushed the piles of garbage on the humanless Earth, with only collecting random tidbits and watching “Hello, Dolly!” to entertain him. Little did we know that the fate of man-kind would rest in the rusty hands of…


Continue reading ‘This update has Pics, Arrr! (Pixar if you didn’t get it. >:c )’

You tried to take me down, stop the show…Seems you never tasted fear, or loss of control

We all danced in fire
Trapped in this machine
Don’t know how long we’ve waited
As the Eggman’s watching

A powerhouse of a robot…awakened by Shadow and Rouge to form Team Dark.  He’s the last of his kind…he is the OMEGA.

Continue reading ‘You tried to take me down, stop the show…Seems you never tasted fear, or loss of control’

Eighty-eight miles per hour, Robot! EIGHTY-EIGHT MILES PER HOUR!

What if R.O.B.s had caught on? What if the loveable Robotic Operating Buddy had joined us in the era of Ocarina of Time and Paper Mario? If the android companion was here to experience the 128 glory days of the Gamecube? If we were to get Gyromite with “New Play Control”? Now, we will be able to see R.O.B. …

…in the future that could have been. Continue reading ‘Eighty-eight miles per hour, Robot! EIGHTY-EIGHT MILES PER HOUR!’

Unfortunately …

I have to submit my resignation from Team Stack Smash, I’ve decided to go at it on my own, with no help, no hexers, just me …

Well, I could say I had fun, but I’d be half lying by saying that, The initial hype kinda subsided for me after a few weeks, still I got to meet a few cool people.

I’ll decide what to do with the textures I’ve made so far with PZT and Androu sometime, anyway, have fun!

PS – WarChamp is a freakin’ Noob


In the distance future, the world was introduced to a new machine, a machine that was to benefit and help all:R.O.B.-Robotic Operating Buddy. With the new technology, life would be easy living, care-free, with all the work done by the R.O.B.s. That is…until the virus came. Noone is sure where it came from, or why it was made, other than to destroy man-kind. Some saw it as a pratical joke gone bad, others saw it as a evil plot made by an egotistical dictator in an attempt to overthrow a country. You knew when it was coming. Your R.O.B. would commence rummaging through garbage, finding loose articles of broken-down electronics. It would hoard them. Then your R.O.B. would power off, for what would seem like weeks. then, all of the sudden, your R.O.B. would be gone, all the rubbage gone. And before you knew it, you’d here this phrase: ERROR ERROR DATABASE CORRUPT!!!! After that…..well you dont remember anything else….because you’re dead….with your blood covering a rusted mangled R.O.B……..a killing machine….

Gotta hunt some spaic piraits nao.

Well people, you may know our lack of Samus and ZSS costumes, right? Well…C-C-C-ombo Breaker!!!!!!111

Today, we bring to you, the viewer, not only 2 costumes, or 3…WE BRING YOU 4 COSTUMES!

And look at the time! This is not even a early update, this is a special ocassion (off course, tonight will be rather special too)

Anyway, we have Bomberwoman and Gold Samus! Off course, with their respective Zero Suit versions (Zero Suit Bomberwoman and Sexy Samus).

Androu1 brings a hit from the past with Bomberwoman, because the original NES Bomberman cover as full or originality and looks NOTHING like good ol’ Samus.

He also brings a rather shiny version of Samus. Gold Armor Samus is ready to kick ass and take names!

Off course, Bluz made the Zero version of Gold Armor Samus, dubbed “Sexy Samus”.

But enough chitchat (****talk?). You want pics? They are yours my friend!

Continue reading ‘Gotta hunt some spaic piraits nao.’