In the distance future, the world was introduced to a new machine, a machine that was to benefit and help all:R.O.B.-Robotic Operating Buddy. With the new technology, life would be easy living, care-free, with all the work done by the R.O.B.s. That is…until the virus came. Noone is sure where it came from, or why it was made, other than to destroy man-kind. Some saw it as a pratical joke gone bad, others saw it as a evil plot made by an egotistical dictator in an attempt to overthrow a country. You knew when it was coming. Your R.O.B. would commence rummaging through garbage, finding loose articles of broken-down electronics. It would hoard them. Then your R.O.B. would power off, for what would seem like weeks. then, all of the sudden, your R.O.B. would be gone, all the rubbage gone. And before you knew it, you’d here this phrase: ERROR ERROR DATABASE CORRUPT!!!! After that…..well you dont remember anything else….because you’re dead….with your blood covering a rusted mangled R.O.B……..a killing machine….
@ Everyone
GAME AND WATCH HAS NO TEXTURES. NONE. He’s basically a vector, or somthing of the sorts.
We’re going to need someone to kill off these zombies.
^alrdy got tht covered lol
that’s good.
Rob Zombie. :3
late reply @ jugg4n4ut
well as long as u dont have him with a giant open blood coverd mouth with sharp teeth then okay
ULTIMATE ZOMBIE CHIMERA in New Death City next!!!
yeah, wherez teh zombie capt. falcon??
when is the next zombie?
sorry here is the good link
too good!