Tryouts Again

No beating around the bush this time.


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Well…i think that this is a good bye……

After much time thinking on it….i decided to drop out all the stuff related with texture hacking….The reason??? is just that the life itself demands me to do this. You know……..In this new decade, i really want to focus to my future and to my studies now that i am returning to the university, and i also want to try chances in getting a job, and Texture Hacking is a big time consuming for me, and you know guys, with 20 years i need to stop acting like a 15 years child and start acting like an adult.

But don’t be sad, i will still visiting the texture sites and the irc of stacksmash, but not as an texturer and as a member of Stack Smash anymore………

So i think this is just a good bye, just like NICKtendo did. And of course, my loyalty to Stack Smash is second to none forever!, so good luck to every one, specially to BP, PZT, Pako, S, Jim, Androu1 and to all the people of the SS team.

Also….before i go, this is an small gift to you people…..a revamped Masked Man, with a patch in the left eye forever, and with the helmet more gray than before, πŸ˜› (credit goes to RandomTBush by helped me with this, :P)


So, bye everyone, was a pleasure meeting with you guys, πŸ™‚


Bye bye

Yeah, you heard that right. I’m leaving!
Well… not really leaving, I’m just retiring from texture hacking.
1. Lost files due to a virus (including pacs, pics and pcs’s)
2. Update that killed Homebrew (I had to eventually for a legal copy of NSMBWii)
3. Lack of motivation to reinstall Homebrew
4. Grew tired of texture hacking
Nothing emotional or that kind of overdramatic bullshit. I love the guys at Stack Smash and I enjoyed being part of it.
Still, do not think I’m leaving Stack Smash. Currently, I’m getting more skilled at making models in Maya. Once model hacking becomes fact, I will be there to serve up some models. I hate rigging bones and shit, so I’ll leave that to someone else.
So, if you’re thinking “Nick hasn’t updated in ages, the lazy bastard”, you know why.

This shit’s gettin’ more like ‘Nam every second

What a better texture to post on Veterans Day than Left 4 Dead’s bearded survivor, Bill Overbeck!

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Back in Black

well personally i didn’t really like BP’s Black Shadow (mainly cause it was Grey and not really resembling him as he really looks) and my old Black Shadow was in need of a revamp, soo…….. Continue reading ‘Back in Black’

Insert Attention Grabbing Title Here

<Insert Misleading Sentence Here>

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Revamps, Revamps, Revamps and SURPRISE!!!!!

Dhragen here again, yay!! πŸ˜€

Well, you already know that i am a extremly exagerated perfectionist in almost….well…EVERYTHING. So!…in all the time when Stack Smash was down i made NO TEXTURES!!! but, instead, i bring to you REVAMPS!! V3 revamp of 4 of my costumes, so, lest’s move to them…….

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Beep beep boop

Some Mr. Game & Watches.
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No time for formalities? Lies. Lies and slander.

Reason for this madness inside.
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We’re finally back and we’re not stopping for formalities

Ay-oh. Stack Smash has returned from the down. So what do we do now? We get back to business. Awaaaay we go.

It’s Frank. Frank West. Remember that name ’cause the whole world’s gonna know it in three days… Yes, it’s that zombie smashing/slashing/shooting/Servbot-heading/photoshooting man from Capcom’s smash hit game for the Xbox 360, Dead Rising! Or, Capcom’s lead balloon game for the Wii, Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop! Let’s just get to Frank’s favorite thing, then, eh… the photos:
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