After the multples battles agains an evil doctor, after many years, a new era began, more depth, obscure and mature.

All start in a highway under attack by corrupted robots knows as Mavericks, designed to exterminate their counterparts, the Reploids, and human race.

The stage introduce you as an Blue Reploid, who meets with a purple robot in an mechanic armor, and a red guy with long, blonde hair, who saves you for the other one.

After that, you will know that red robot, called Zero, is your best friend and partner, and both former members of a group called “Maverick hunters”, with the mission of protect the world exterminating the mavericks and defeat it’s commander, Sigma.

In a Highway starts the name of Megaman X, there are many highways in the serie, but this it’s the first and the most memoral one (with an awesome music anyway).

This it’s my first stage texture, this stage brings me alot of nostalgia, and hope that all will like it, specially for the MMX fans like me, 😛

Here we go, the start of everything, CENTRAL HIGHWAY, THE INTRO STAGE!!!

Continue reading ‘HERE START THE LEGEND!!’

VILE’s new patch!!!

Hey guys,

No the tittle isnt misleading you, I am taking on making a new patch. And can any of you guess what that patch is?… YES IT A GORE PATCH!!!

The first of the roster going bad is METAKNIGHT!!!

Continue reading ‘VILE’s new patch!!!’

Spite from a younger sibling…

The second hand. The straggler. The lower class. The forgotten. That is the life of Luigi, or was the life of Luigi. Always in the shadow of his older brother, Mario. And he hated it. Though you couldn’t tell through their adventures, Luigi had grown a deep dark seed of hatred towards Mario. One that would lead him to do something unthinkable…something that would kill Mario…and himself… Continue reading ‘Spite from a younger sibling…’

Jeffrey Andonuts, you don’t look so good!

I stylized Ness, yo.

Continue reading ‘Jeffrey Andonuts, you don’t look so good!’

In Soviet Russia, Koopa King beats YOU

In the Turtle Kingdom, the lovely Princess Peach was kidnapped by the evil King Mario, leader of the evil Plumbers. It’s up to the Super Bowser Bros to rescue her, one stomp at a time.

Continue reading ‘In Soviet Russia, Koopa King beats YOU’

A new member. A pretty damn awesome new member, while we’re at it.


Pako is pretty much an cool guy, with good ideas and awesome skills. He wanted to join KittyCorp, but then he found he was selected for Stack Smash, so here he is. He’s a fan of the Mario series, so we’ll hopefully see an increase of costumes related to the good ol’ plumber eating mushroom around here. I mean, the mushroom eating plumber.

You want proof he’s awesome and has awesome skills, uh?

Continue reading ‘A new member. A pretty damn awesome new member, while we’re at it.’


Did you know Meta-Knight is not only a skilled swordsman, but he is a robotics expert as well? ‘Tis true. He put his skills to the test in his spare time (when he’s not doing his best impressions of Hurricane Ivan), by creating a walking, talking mini version of his trusty ship, the Halberd, to aid him in tough fights. And to bring him beers. MiniHalberd joins the Brawl!

Continue reading ‘THE MORE YOU KNOW!’

Prince of Radaxian, champion of Janken

A powerful, young boy who fights his enemies by playing rock, paper, scissors. His exceptional skill at that game made him a hero. He rescued Radaxian from Janken the Great’s evil reign, he returned the stolen stars and managed to find his long lost father, the king of Radaxian.

Back from the 80’s, it’s Alex Kidd! Continue reading ‘Prince of Radaxian, champion of Janken’

Stages, FUCK EM!!!

HEHEHEHE, I was looking at the site and i was all like “WTF WHERE ARE TEH ITEMS NIGGA?”, so I thought to myself, shit WE NEEDS SOME ITEMZZZ. WELL HERE THEY ARE :P:P:P:P. OH I ALMOST FORGOT, I CAUGHT A PATAPON, THIS NIGGA WAS FAST. Continue reading ‘Stages, FUCK EM!!!’

Get ready to show ya moves…

Melee Falcon got word that an impostor of him was exhibiting major suck-factor. Angered that someone was destroying his reputation, Melee Falcon set out on a grand quest to reclaim top tier, and put his impostor, Meta-Knight, and Snake out of commission.

Continue reading ‘Get ready to show ya moves…’