Norman Osborne. Many words can describe him. Corrupt. Mad. Greedy. Slime. But he was still just as mortal as the rest of us. Until it happened. Osborne secretly framed the co-founder of his chemical company; Mendel Stromm. Stromm was working on a serum, a serum to give people abilities beyond the normal powers of perception. Such as super-intelligence and strength. After framing Stromm, Osborne was left to his own devices in the chemical plant. He read up on a few of Stromm’s papers and learned about the serum. Naturally, being the outgoing man he is, he decided to put his forces to use replicating it for sale in the military, construction, and many other industries. This was his original intention; however one day his plan literally blew up in his face. He gained green skin, and the aforemented abilities; but it came at the cost of one thing. His sanity. Osborne had been driven bipolar and murderously insane. His other alias decided to take on a new name. The Green Goblin. And so it began.
As of May 26th, I am 20 years old. To celebrate that, here are 2 of my own characters: Splot and King Oneye.
Both can be seen here:
To commemorate this, let’s sing One Winged Angel.
Continue reading ‘The spiky-haired emo hero of dubious sexuality joins the Brawl!’
*Codec Beeps*
Snake: “OTACON!”
Otacon: “What Snake?!”
“This series sucks and is now about trains”
Well, he had been visiting 1chan quite a lot recently. It was only a matter of time.
Continue reading ‘…What was Miyamoto thinking when he came up with Spirit Tracks?’
It took some compromising but here y’go: SMAAAASH!! RED, with his prized Charizard, Norbert, that Squirtle who is usually free to roam grocery stores with a Torchic, and an Ivysaur… from… what?
One of the main reasons the Killer Instinct tournament exists: Fulgore. The tournament is held to test the prototype’s battle capabilities before it goes into mass production. The prototype eventually has to face an ancient beast from another dimension. Neither versions made it to their final opponents, Eyedol and Gargos. Jago and Orchid managed to destroy prototype 1 and prototype 2 before they were mass produced.
With the flaws analyzed and fixed, Ultratech now introduces a brand new design, a lighter, more agile and way more advanced Fulgore!
Meet Fulgore v3: Pocket Fulgore!
Alright, hands up. Who knows what the hell Sonic Robo Blast 2 is? Continue reading ‘Probably my favorite stage (not just ‘cus I made it >:c)’
I’m having writer’s block due to graduation and what-not, so instead of a story, I made a song about my newest zombie. Drop that beat.
He-he-he-here we go!
So they’re finally here, devouring you
If you scared as hell you can run away too.
Put hands together if you scared as crap
As I take you through this Zombie Rap, uh!
He’s the leader of the bunch, we knew him well
Now he’s finally back to raise some hell!
*monkey noises*
His flesh-driven hunger ain’t scary at first
But if he grabs ya, it’s gonna hurt.
He’s hungier, bloodier, and eviler too
He’s the 9th member of the zombie crew, uh!
ZOMBIE TEAM IS HERE!!! Continue reading ‘Drop that zombie beat yo!!!’
The following story takes place over 3000 years after the event that triggered the war between the shelled reptiles and the furry long-ears.
After a brave rabbit rescued the princess of hares, Eva Earlong, from Devan Shell, the hero took a vacation. He did not enjoy the vacation for long as Devan appeared once again, trying to destroy him with his latest device. The hero took the full blast as the attack was a surprise. Devan fled for he knew the weapon alters the genetic composition so, that the target will expand infinately until he or she explodes. The weapon is but a mere prototype, though, and what happened to the hero, not even Devan Shell expected it. It turned the hero into a completely different specie!
The deformed hero shall now be known as:
Jazz Jackfox!
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