“No kid, don’t look behind that poster…****!”
Do you know why the Wii is the fastest selling home console currently on the market?
THAT’S RIGHT; IT PLAYS TURBOGRAFX GAMES! Use your big fat head and buy some TurboGrafx games!!
Johnny Turbo, everyone.
Duuuuun! Dun-dun-dun-duh-DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!
They’re here!
Everyone get your doorknobs!!
H-hello all you pretty people out there. My name is Waluigi. I’m here today because the very nice people at Super Stack Smash made me playable in Super Smash Bros., but they forgot to post me. I look really good, almost as if I were a successful treasure hunter and rich video game CEO instead of a sad, sad taco stand manager. By the way please visit Waluigi’s Taco Stand! We have fresh purple tacos. Anyways here are the pictures.
Gather around, youngsters, and lemme tell ya a story.
Y’see, Pikachu’s been in every Smash Bros. game, right? Well, yer wrong! A Pikachu has been in ever single one of them Smash games, but it’s not the same one! Betcha didn’t know that, huh?
The Brawl Pikachu is the young’un, and the son of the Pikachu in Melee.
The Pikachu in Melee is the son of the Pikachu in Smash Bros. on the 64.
The 64 Pikachu is widely considered ta be the stongest of the Pikachu, most likely due to level grindin’ from the Red an’ Blue games. He taught his son, and later his grandson, how to be excellent Smashers. Today, the 64 Pika, now known as Pappychu, is paying this new-fangled Brawl a visit! YAY! GRANDPA’S COMING!
Actually, it’s….
And we’re zany to the max
So just sit back and relax
You’ll laugh ’til you collapse
We’re Animaniacs!
Come join the Warner Brothers
And the Warner Sister, Dot
Just for fun we run around the Warner movie lot.
They lock us in the tower whenever we get caught
But we break loose and then vamoose
And now you know the plot!
We’re Animaniacs!
Dot is cute and Yakko yaks.
Wakko packs away the snacks
While Bill Clinton plays the sax.
We’re Animaniacs!
Meet Pinky and the Brain who want to rule the universe.
Goodfeathers flock together; Slappy whacks ’em with her purse.
Buttons chases Mindy, while Rita sings a verse.
The writers flipped; we have no script
Why bother to rehearse?
We’re Animaniacs!
We have pay-or-play contracts.
We’re zany to the max
There’s baloney in our slacks.
We’re Animanie,
Totally insaney
PZT’s awfully complainy
And those are the facts!
I think
I hear
Dudes, don’t freak out. Skeletons aren’t scary–just imagine them doing The Robot.
Another bare body fancied up.
Remember when we were all seven years old (well, I mean, you kids were probably two at the time) and Pokémon Gold and Silver were announced, with teaser pictures of the new species? If so, you probably remember the name “Pikablu,” a made-up name for what we’d later call Marill.
Get your friggin pants down and do the ass dance!
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