Recently, I have been spammed on the SCHC with this noticed this new hacking team called EvenError. Their work is simply this; taking hacks posted on this site, the SCHC, Kitty Corp forums, or Elotrolado, and injecting a good dose of ugly courtesy of MSPaint. Since this basically amounts to plagarism, and very sloppy plagarism at that, I feel the need to ask you SS fans to bruteforce his account boycott him. Even the NAME OF THE TEAM is a ripoff of our friends, the deceased hacking team SyntaxError. You can take a look at this shame here:
On the flipside of this coin, we noticed a great new hacking team that sprouted up on the McLeod Gaming forums called DasDonkeyTeam. Even though I have no idea what that name means, I implore you to check out their great work here.
If anyone deserves the limelight, it’s DasDonkeyTeam, not the stinking pile of fecal matter that is “EvenError”. Tell what you think of this in the comment areas.
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