What Pokerus really does to Pokemon……

Red was off doing his daily level grinding with Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard. Suddenly, he ran into a sickly group of Ratatta. Being the compassionate trainer that he is, he opted to try and aid the Pokemon. He ordered his Pokemon to not attack, and they all crept close to the group. Suddenly, the Ratatta’s eyes began to glow red, and they attacked Red, Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard, biting each of them and running off into the forest. The bite marks left a trail of strange green ooze.

Red rushed to the nearest PokeCenter and had his Pokemon checked out. “Your Pokemon are all healed up,” replied Nurse Joy. “However, your Pokemon have been infected with a strange virus. I would recommend that you keep an eye on them.” Red nodded and took his Pokemon. Over the next couple of days, Red’s Pokemon began to act strange. He noticed that they were stronger, and leveled up much faster than usual. But after that, they began to disobey his orders. Red also began to feel strange, running a fever. His skin grew a pale-ish purple, and his eyes grew dark red, as did his Pokemon.

While walking through Viridian Forest, a bug catcher popped out of nowhere. “HA!!! I’ll defeat you with my masterful bug team!!!” cried the bug catcher. He tossed out a Caterpie and a Metapod. Red, slumped over, threw out all three of his Pokemon. Red got an evil grin on his face and pointed at the bug catcher. Immediatly, Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard rushed into the bug catcher and his Pokemon and maimed and killed them. When the battle was over, both Red and his Pokemon were covered in blood. Red collected his money, and walked out of Viridian Forest and into Pewter City, where only the worst would begin.

Continue reading ‘What Pokerus really does to Pokemon……’

You stole the update from us last time! You will PAY for that!

Bushido. The samurai code of honor. For ages, the great Japanese warriors followed this code.

Unfortunately, in the future, this sense of honor is nowhere to be found in certain samurai…

Certain samurai like the one who drives number Five in the F-ZERO grand prix. He’s never passed up an opportunity to participate in an F-ZERO race (means he’s never passed up an opportunity to get beaten by Captain Falcon too).

But it’ll be different this year. He can’t lose in his Fire Stingray! So please welcome the Japanese Wario—



Continue reading ‘You stole the update from us last time! You will PAY for that!’

Pegas! Tek-Setter!

Bet ya’ll are excited for more Tatsunoko, huh?

Joji Meta-Knightmi is just an average, normal Kirby-thing. However, modern science can turn him into a mighty space warrior – Tekkaman. This becomes a reality when aggressive aliens come from space to invade Dreamland. Armed with a space lance, Tekkaman gallantly goes into action against the grotesque space creatures! Continue reading ‘Pegas! Tek-Setter!’


You can run but YOU CAN’T HIDE LINK!

Continue reading ‘KOOLOO LIMPAH.’

Frienderrrrr Jeeeeeet!

And now, another Tatsunoko character no one will know! Which is sad, because it’s a wonderful thing to know.

Today’s update is of the faithful Friender, mechanical companion of the great robot hunter Casshern!
This mechanized canine is a wonder, not only sporting powerful weapons, but being able to transform into vehicles when Casshern needs them! In fact, Casshern and Friender partly inspired Mega Man and Rush (respectively). And so, have an introduction into the wonderful world of Tatsunoko, with Freinder! Continue reading ‘Frienderrrrr Jeeeeeet!’

Sorry for the site troubles.

I (PZT) upgraded the site, which broke our theme. When trying to fix the banner width I broke our banner, then when I fixed the banner I broke the comments and gallery. We are sorry for all the trouble, and I think you owe me a thank you because I didn’t get any sleep last night. >_> Until next time, so long and thanks for all the fish. So sad it had to end like this. We tried to warn you but oh dear. So long so long, and thanks for all the fish. The world’s about to be destroyed, no point getting all annoyed, sit back and let the planet dissooooooolve. Despite those nets of tuna fleets, we thought most of you were sweet, especially your tiny tots and pregnant women. So long so long so long so long so long. So long so long so long so long so long. Yeah. so long and thanks for all the fish. So sad it had to end like this. We tried to warn you but oh dear. So long so long, and thanks for all the fish. The world’s about to be destroyed, no point getting all annoyed, sit back and let the planet dissooooooolve. Despite those nets of tuna fleets, we thought most of you were sweet, especially your tiny tots and pregnant women. So long so long so long so long so long. So long so long so long so long so long. Yeah!

It’s dangerous to go alone…

Take this!

Continue reading ‘It’s dangerous to go alone…’

The crossover begins.

Mario and Sonic.

Fanboys clamor for a crossover game, claiming that it’d be the best game in the history of evarrr. And so, Nintendo and Sega shook hands, and the process begun.

Mario and Sonic stared in awe at the monstrous machine before them. It was called the “Crossover…er”, and it was the latest of technologies, made from the collaborative minds of Nintendo and Sega.

Mario and Sonic stepped nervously into their pods, ready to begin the “crossover.” The machine sprung to life, a horrible noise filling the air. At that moment, a Sega intern by the name of Miles Prower hit a wrong switch.

The Crossover-er exploded. As the smoke cleared, a lone figure stumbled out of the wreckage…a horrible, deformed creature…

The Somari was born.

Continue reading ‘The crossover begins.’

Pass the caviar

You know how Jugg4n4ut has his zombies, Androu1 has his Dry characters and Bluz has his simplified/cel-shaded characters? My series is the fancy series. It began with Tuxedo Yoshi, and here’s the second installment. Let’s give that wacky fat elf some classy threads!

Continue reading ‘Pass the caviar’

Who is this guy?

I think he’s from some game with plumbers, turn-based battles, and isometric viewpoints. I dunno. Check for yourself.

Continue reading ‘Who is this guy?’