Where is John Connor?


Skynet’s unstoppable killing machine, the T-800, has reached the world of Brawl. Where won’t Skynet extend its tyrannical grip? More importantly… who is it hunting? Continue reading ‘Where is John Connor?’

A true femme fatale!

The T-800’s attack destroyed its own body. However, instead of being the end, the destruction of the T-800 reveals something even more sinister: the highly advanced T-X. Continue reading ‘A true femme fatale!’

Old and Awesome!

Here we go! Old unupdated stuff!

Since Androu kept complaining about those not being updated, we decided to just do a big fat update with them all!

Here we have, in order of appearance:

  • Murphy by NICKtendo DS
  • Rayman Fan by NICKtendo DS
  • Lavos by NICKtendo DS
  • Chibi Otacon by Androu1
  • Yellow Devil by NICKtendo DS
  • Madzilla by Androu1
  • Don Patch by NICKtendo DS

Now, go and enjoy!

Continue reading ‘Old and Awesome!’


The most powerful force in the ranks of the Pigmask Army…

The mysterious Commander…he seems to be the only one besides Lucas who can pull the needles! The already difficult task has become a race to the finish?

The meek young boy vs. the mysterious Masked Man!

Continue reading ‘C-c-commander!’

Once a team of four, now they are no longer more.

They will not be forgotten like the seven. No, they will live on.

The world shall know their legend…

Continue reading ‘Once a team of four, now they are no longer more.’

. . .

Be prepared … April 23rd

Continue reading ‘. . .’


Some of you keener-eyed individuals may have noticed a newly added “Other” folder in our release section? What could this be for? We don’t feel like telling you yet. Stay tuned this week, and speculate in the comments area.

When suddenly, friggin’ Ho-Oh kidnapped my sister!

I know it’s been done before, probably several times… but I made it too. Link wearing the Hero’s New Clothes and a dorky blue hat has arrived.

Continue reading ‘When suddenly, friggin’ Ho-Oh kidnapped my sister!’


I like shorts! They’re comfy and easy to wear!

Continue reading ‘Hi!’

Hello there! Welcome to the world of POKéMON!


Your very own POKéMON legend is about to unfold!

A world of dreams with POKéMON awaits! Let’s go!

Continue reading ‘Hello there! Welcome to the world of POKéMON!’