A city theme for the stage builder. It replaces the ruins template (STGEDIT_2.pac). The obvious motive was to make a Fourside that felt more like Fourside, but I didn’t put in any recognizable buildings except for that fortune cookie building from Australia… so the template has more potential–Saffron City, perhaps.
Continue reading ‘I made textures, you make stages.’
A game that is, in many ways, an answer to the pleas of complaining gamers who call themselves “hardcore” but don’t care to try anything new…
Continue reading ‘In honor of the second-best Wii game of 2009…’
You got what you wanted,
But you lost what you had!
Continue reading ‘He’s got friend’s on the other side..’
Tryouts are happening again. No BS, just sign up.
To all internal team members, this thing where you visit the team IRC chat once, talk about how you’re going to make stuff, and drop off the face of the earth like MXXD, Lexx, and so on (you know who you are) be more faithful or you’re running a fine risk. There’s a reason we haven’t had an update in two days, and it’s people like you. Cut it out. Do I need to make this any more clear?
Then, he gets hired by BLU and kills some people.
Continue reading ‘Luigi travels back in time to the late 60s’
By the way, Jimmy Gibbs, Jr. is the man. I mean I don’t know anybody like that, man. But there was this guy I knew, he raced dirt tracks, not stock cars but open wheeled cars you know, and he was racing once and a goat…
But wait! There’s more!
Continue reading ‘Wow, these sure are old. Pt.2’
I’m uploading a whole bunch of stuff that I made when I first started to make textures. These aren’t very good so that’s why I’m uploading them a lot at once. Also D/L links for Peppy and Maxwell are up.
So without any further ado –
Continue reading ‘Wow, these sure are old. Pt.1’
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