..well not really Continue reading ‘SPY IN THE BASE! AND HE’S GOT A MUSTACHE!’
Hell no, its another lost gem from the Original Xbox
A post long overdue… A new member has joined the team!
Bad Title for a Bad Post
Bet you weren’t expecting one of these any time soon.
You have restored my strengh Wario, and now, I shall crush you!
Biker Diddy. Basically the same drill as when I made Surfin’ Pit and Unfortunate Pit, except I am expecting to make more Diddy Kongs than I did Pits at that time, and delivering them in smaller, likely more infrequent, but more, doses.
Continue reading ‘Diddy joined a bike gan–I mean, “motorcycle club”’
My texture in Brawl is MINE!!!!
Now Shake Dimention and Super Smash Bros. Brawl, tremble before your new king!!
Continue reading ‘It’s mine! It’s FINALLY mine!’
Jim made a Golden Goddess. BP made A Giant. The show, let’s get it on the road.
Continue reading ‘Creating Creators’
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