Happy Holidays faggolas. And Merry Christmas, to those celebrating.
Also, if you are reading this then GTFO and go spend some time with your family, you fat nerd, you.
We do shit right!
Happy Holidays faggolas. And Merry Christmas, to those celebrating.
Also, if you are reading this then GTFO and go spend some time with your family, you fat nerd, you.
You call that a Mr. L? THIS is a Mr. L!
I’m on hiatus right now but will have at least one Christmas texture before coming out of it and getting back in full force.
Till then here’s a really old Rainbow Mario texture I made when I was teaching myself Emerald textures (it is old). I know ESH has got one also, but whatever!
Continue reading ‘Here’s Something’
Hey Guys it’s Neon. Go watch this Pokemon speed run by the speed gamers, it’s awesome. And it’s for charity. Don’t forget to donate!
Watch it here
If you’re not a pokefag, this is cooler.
This is a remake of my first hack, Quote. The download won’t be up for a while, since I’m still fixing it up. Syrus fixed the hair model for me, so thanks.
(this is also my third update this week
i’m being such a hog)
Designing and building deadly robots to kill Megaman once for all.
A martial arts master, trained by the legendary Sheng Long Gouken, best friend of Ken, rival of Sagat, and the target of the mighty Akuma…
With his powerful Hadouken, Shoryuken, and Tatsumaki Senpukyaku techniques, he can take on all who challenge him.
The mighty lone wolf of martial arts, it’s…
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