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A prince from a dark world comes.

It’s Prince X, called X because noone knows his true name, and because he has X shapes on his clothes and shield. He hails from a dark world. A world full of violence.

He was almost killed by an traitor, but he managed to escape into our world. He kills you (or knocks you the stage, rather. For SSBB’s sake) and then proceeds to feed over your soul. That’s the only way he can stay in this world. That’s the only way he can stay alive.

Continue reading ‘A prince from a dark world comes.’

Site is back up! Oh and STAGE UPDATE: I didn’t know trees could get revenge.

The site is back. Sorry for making you all collectively empty your bowels. We’re not going anywhere.

And a weeeeeeird revenge tree. THAT’S PURPLE

Continue reading ‘Site is back up! Oh and STAGE UPDATE: I didn’t know trees could get revenge.’

Darkness…DARKNESS…darknessdarknessdarkness —


This character appears in the Square/Disney crossover series, Kingdom Hearts. He was the intended master of the Keyblade, but he gave himself — and his heart — to darkness, and he was consumed by it.

Presenting Riku.

Continue reading ‘Darkness…DARKNESS…darknessdarknessdarkness —’

STAGE UPDATE: Mecha Sonic approves!


Continue reading ‘STAGE UPDATE: Mecha Sonic approves!’

The most evil texture even created…..

The time is over, this texture was supposed to be a funny one, but…in game, he ends looking freaking scary and….evil. His only purpose is to give children goosebumps, hypnotizing them with the power of capitalism and off-the-charts prices.

I don’t now if i want to shows this texture to you people, but i want to save my live from him…for a couple of days at least……sorry….

He was your “hero” when you was a little child, but now he’s evil, corporative evil, …………….from a cute mouse to an really grotesque and scummy mouse…..it still gives me nightmares………

Continue reading ‘The most evil texture even created…..’


They are yellow and proud of it. The kid that makes his dad rage all the damned time and the meme other kid.

They need no introduction, I am sure.

Continue reading ‘WHY YOU LITTLE!!!!!’

Well, this is quite an odd idea.

MACK THE KNIFE JOINS THE BRAWL! You didn’t seriously think we’d stop at Geno did you?

Continue reading ‘Well, this is quite an odd idea.’

Who’s under that helmet?

It’s a Met! Continue reading ‘Who’s under that helmet?’

A new member joins the crew!

Hello all, I’m Vyse. If you visit KittyCorp or the SCHC, you might have seen some of my textures already. Well, the people at SS let me join their crew. I’m a major RPG fan, and most of the textures I make will reflect that. I hope you enjoy using them as much as I enjoy making them.

Hit the jump to see my first official Stack Smash texture. This is one that I haven’t posted in either topic on KC or SCHC.

Continue reading ‘A new member joins the crew!’