So, after the bombshell of (hilarious) fail that was our first attempt at a Megaman hack, Dhragen comes by and makes it all better. π Anyway, MEGAMAN. HE’S A FIGHTING ROBOT. Megaman is one of the most requested characters, and no, we will not make him for Samus. Enjoy this however, for your blue bomber fix. Note worthy: this is the first collaborative costume. Dhragen did the eyes and Androu1 did everything else. π Hooray collaboration! Anyway, this is another early update. I’m just publishing it because I don’t wanna wait until midnight. I want to soak in your precious comments right now, into my braaaaain. Comment in the comment area, or in the forums, or even in the IRC! IT’S YOUR CHOICE. Enjoy! Anyway, I know you want the pics. Dine on them, like the hungry fan you are.
And shall I add, this isn’t really Megaman himself! It’s MEGA! From Megaman Powered Up!
This costume is basically Megaman before he actually became a FIGHTING ROBOT. Right now, he’s actually a assistant robot, that is shunned down by his (lack) of power. But he’s here to show you who’s the boss now!
All he wants to do is help…
Continue reading ‘Did we follow the official colored works closely enough this time?’
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