Did we follow the official colored works closely enough this time?

So, after the bombshell of (hilarious) fail that was our first attempt at a Megaman hack, Dhragen comes by and makes it all better. πŸ˜€ Anyway, MEGAMAN. HE’S A FIGHTING ROBOT. Megaman is one of the most requested characters, and no, we will not make him for Samus. Enjoy this however, for your blue bomber fix. Note worthy: this is the first collaborative costume. Dhragen did the eyes and Androu1 did everything else. πŸ˜€ Hooray collaboration! Anyway, this is another early update. I’m just publishing it because I don’t wanna wait until midnight. I want to soak in your precious comments right now, into my braaaaain. Comment in the comment area, or in the forums, or even in the IRC! IT’S YOUR CHOICE. Enjoy! Anyway, I know you want the pics. Dine on them, like the hungry fan you are.

And shall I add, this isn’t really Megaman himself! It’s MEGA! From Megaman Powered Up!

This costume is basically Megaman before he actually became a FIGHTING ROBOT. Right now, he’s actually a assistant robot, that is shunned down by his (lack) of power. But he’s here to show you who’s the boss now!

All he wants to do is help…

Continue reading ‘Did we follow the official colored works closely enough this time?’

Back to videos,back to bagel.

Bluz is now on vacations,and that means more costumes and videos coming from him! Let’s start right now.A new video right below.

The epic and neverending struggle between Captain KVIrc and Captain mIRC

Continue reading ‘Back to videos,back to bagel.’

The Gitaroo Hero is here to RAWK yo face!

Awesome! The hero from planet Gitaroo! It’s Gitaroo Man! On his human form, but it’s still Gitaroo Man!

Yes, people. Another mostly obscure character. It’s U-1 from the cult game Gitaroo Man, which was a very rare PS2 game until it was “re-printed” or something…and then it was ported to the PSP.

It’s still a very “obscure” series and it’s worth the munnis! U needs to buy zee gaim!


Continue reading ‘The Gitaroo Hero is here to RAWK yo face!’


Yes, I know what you’re thinking. Blame Canada! But, this may very well be one of the best independant comic book heroes of all time…especially for our friends in the great white north. CAPTAIN CANUCK RIDES AGAIN!!! The reason this texture was made was because of the persistent begging of a good sir Mario, I hope you like this hack. We made it just for you. πŸ˜€

This costume also shows Androu1’s mastery of the way of the Captain Falcon’s textures.

Continue reading ‘CAAAANUCK…PAWNCH!!!’

Costume of the Month events now open!

Ever felt like voting for you favorite costume to make it be considered THE BEST?! THE BEST IN THE MONTH?!

Well,now you can do it over the Stack Smash section of bob’s forum! YES YOU CAN!!! YES YOU CAN!!!
Go and do it now!

(Note if the link doesn’t work,you seem to need to be logged into the forum for it to work.Just go here and register/log-in)

It’s MAMA UPDATE to you, viewers!

Mama Luigi is here! And he’s gonna annoy you till death…or make you laugh! Doesn’t really matter, you will die one way or another.And if you won’t, he will FORCE you to die, if you know what I mean.

You may have noticed the updates have been up earlier than normal as of late…well,like they say in Brooklyn, early to update, early to bed…or was it the bagel?

Continue reading ‘It’s MAMA UPDATE to you, viewers!’

The infected Reploid… now in a new demon-ish shape!

He was originally an advanced Maverick Hunter, the leader of the organization which was intended to stop the atrocities caused by the fearsome Mavericks. But one day that all changed…..

Now he uses his power for evil purposes, spreading destruction and striking fear into the hearts and minds of Humans and Reploids alike. But thanks to the courage and strength of a Blue Warrior, this foe has been defeated multiple times, but always retuning for more….LIKE NOW

Rebuilt and ready to crush, the head of the Mavericks, SIGMA!

Continue reading ‘The infected Reploid… now in a new demon-ish shape!’

Captain mIRC!!

I cannot allow Androu to brainwash you with these notions of KVIrc and it’s greatness. It is all lies! LIES I TELL YOU!

Do not listen to Androu and his fairy tales of Yellow and Purple. You must know of the original and best, the Red, Blue and Yellow!

As such I present my first texture and the TRUE BLUE IRC CLIENT. Captain mIRC!

Continue reading ‘Captain mIRC!!’

Removal of the “Artist” pages

So yeah,I’m deleting the Androu1,Bluz and Phreeq pages.

They are a burden to update and with so many new peeps we would require many new pages which would mean a more “unorganized” feel to the site.Plus,it would be more messy and stuff.

I think the Categories and the Archives are far more than enough,anyway.Use them from now on.

In short: they are unneded,annoying to update and useless :3

Captain KVIRC!!!!

Note: early update is early.Don’t get used to it.Also,this is not what we had planned,but we want to restart updating.

Today’s update is more of a original creation than anything else.It’s Captain KVIrc!!!

You may be wondering “What the **** is KVIrc?!” well.KVIrc is the IRC client that I (Androu1) use.I’ve used it since the start of this team and so far I love it.And noone knows about it,for the most part…it atleast seems like that.

You should check it out if you use IRC

Anyway,the pics…the pics…you WANT the pics…you NEED the pics! YOU LIVE FOR THE PICS!!! HERE ARE THE PICS!!!

Oh wait,before we go into the pics.You may not notice it and may never will,but his eye…his actual eye…is the KVIrc logo! I couldn’t find a way to take a decent pic of it,so I didn’t.But that is awesome.Unnoticeably awesome!!!

Continue reading ‘Captain KVIRC!!!!’