Riding in the night on his dark stallion, the King of Darkness rode towards Hyrule, initiating his new plan to take over as King of Hyrule. Just as he was making his way over the final hill towards Hyrule, he was confronted by a green-clad hero on a red-brown horse with a mighty blade of light and justice. The King just stared and snickered. He gradually got off of his steed, and began to walk towards the boy. The boy got off his steed and stood in a defensive position , waiting. The King began chuckling to himself, then laughing maniacally, and the young hero didn’t know why. Soon the King was standing right in front of the boy, towering over him. He glanced down and ,with a quickness, grabbed his throat. Holding the hero in a death choke, the King began laughing again. Then he pulled out his blade and pointed it at the hero and whispered to him, “Now we’ll both be the bad guy…”. suddenly, they both became enshrouded with dark purple clouds, no doubt the work of sorcery, The King cackled maniacally again, and crushed the green-clad hero’s throat. As blood splattered onto his face, dripping from his hands, and the dark aura surrounding both of them, the King impaled himself in the abdomen, dying himself. Soon after, the evil smoke entered both their bodies, and ran through their blood. Their eyes became blood-red, their skin pale; soon after they stood up. Being just a few minutes away from the main city of Hyrule, they both climbed upon their horses, riding into the vermillion sunset, towards Hyrule to bring about its demise, with a new leader in mind…
anyway…..That looks so badass……
a little bit more black in the Armor would look better….
In my opinion……
=) finally I’m first at something….
lol congratz J Thunder. just for bein first, which zombie u wanna see next?
Ike. Oh gawd. Doesn’t he have enough blood on his sword from pwning so much?
Zombie…..SNAKE!!!! XD
or Ike that’s a good Idea…..
I want to see Nero or Dante as Ike so badly…..
Mirrored blood spatter on the cape is kinda… bad looking.
Otherwise, a very neat texture. xd
Ugh… I’m shaking… TIGHT… but SCARY!!
I love your zombie collection man! keep em up
Dont blame me, blame Ninty and their texture files lol. Mirrored blood is an annoyance that is hard to fix, and it bugs me as well, but im currently tryin to find a technique where its not as noticeable
Zombie Ike or Link next 😀
This is my favorite Zombie though
*sees bloody crotch*
Cool, do Zombie Samus!
….Not as good as the other ]EE[ though…¬_¬ shame about nintendo…
Quote: AHHH.
Best bloody quote… ever.
Personally like Zombie Bowser the best.
But I love the blood here, blood’s always cool.
So whose next? I vote ZSS and Samus.
XD you guys reads my mind. I should just put in more requests.
This is exactly what i was waiting for. I gotta be the only one who wants a zombie Jigglypuff though,just for the lulz.
next, we need zombie kirby.
anyone else want him?
i still say im suggesting a zombie update week…
im geussing a zombie dedede and meta knight are next
LOL, TerminX.
Awesome job. I was beginning to wonder when we’d see another zombie texture. Kind of late for Halloween time, though, is it not? 😛
LOL this texture was WAY overdue *stares an Androu*, and as much as i would love a Zombie Week, Im the only person on the team that does zombies, so the whole week would be about me, which doesnt seem very fair. Im seein alot of interesting ideas, namely Zombie Jiggz XP
Does Ganon like the feel of blood on his crotch or did he just have his first period? lol 😀
Actually, thats what happens when Zombie GDorf gives someone an EPIC T-Bag and crushes their skull so he can eat their brains *evil laugh* >=D
… Pigmask Wario-Man? D;
Why so much blood in the crotch area? o-o Did he get his “manhood” eaten off or something? Zombie prostitute?
Joking aside, it’s a very nice hack! Although I’m still way more impressed by the Megaman AT you guys made :]
I think it’s funny that both of Juggernauts textures are Zombies. He must love Zombies.
Good Texture anyways.
I’d like to see him doing the Thriller together with all the other zombies.
i have ideas for zombies. Captain Falcon, Snake, Samus, Luigi, Peach, and Lucario if i could imagine it so can you. i think
IS it just me,or is the story indicating a future Zombie Link?
@ colonel i think and hope so
There are definately strong hints on this post and the post about these stories.