a little friendly competition between me and MXXD, we decided to both try out our own take on a texture for Super Saiyan 3 Goku.
Drop a comment on your honest opinion on who’s you like better and why.
We do shit right!
a little friendly competition between me and MXXD, we decided to both try out our own take on a texture for Super Saiyan 3 Goku.
Drop a comment on your honest opinion on who’s you like better and why.
I’d say this is as close as we can get without model hacking. Here’s the final version of our favourite doctor!
The true hero of time is here to KICK YOUR ASS in less than 30-motherfucking-seconds.
Continue reading ‘The true hero of time is gonna kick your ass IN 30 SECONDS!’
I was brainstorming for ideas about what to do for Marth to make him bad ass, so then thought “who’s the most badass guy in the world?” *lightblub*
Continue reading ‘Marth…. must become bad@$$….’
An innocent baby and a ruthless mutant… reunite.
a team of my own that I formed back in June hasn’t really been recognized, and I wouldn’t want the team to go unnoticed. The name of the team is Electronic Core, If you like a texture please comment and if not tell us whats wrong with it, So click the link below to see some pretty nice textures done by me and my team.
Note: If you’re too blind to notice, all new posts are posted BELOW this one for the time being. That includes announcements, updates, and so on. So look down!
Sorry broke link for now
Kinda, oh, and Sonic’s with him.
This beaut of a texture wasn’t a piece of piss, mate. Taughted by Saxton Hale, the Sniper is here to bail ya up with heaps of Jarate!
(Btw, hi there people at Facepunch)
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