And so,the team has expanded and a new member has joined.

And so,as of today,this little team has expanded.From being a triforce to a quartet.Let’s all welcome the new member to the team.He goes by the name “Bluz” and he’s in this for great justice.

He’s the new artist of the team and he is going to help this team go on and keep being as awesome as ever…or even MORE awesome! Yeah,MORE awesome than before.

By the way,if you wonder where Phreeq is…well,his computer died or something.He used the lappy of his friend the other day and told me and PZT about that.He will be back as soon as his compy is fixed,tho.

We’re back! A Stack Smash story. Starring Galacta Knight!

Yes, we’re back. Back from the depths of no updates and perpetual downtime. I hope this texture makes up for it, however. Apparently while we were developing this one Ghosteo released theirs. It caught us off guard, but in our policy of releasing everything we decided to go ahead with it anyway. Enjoy! You may call this upate early, but I call it getting what’s owed to you. We were going to update on Wednesday but a day of downtime crushed that.

Continue reading ‘We’re back! A Stack Smash story. Starring Galacta Knight!’

Stack Smash takes a well-deserved “break”. *shot*

Well, we’ve ran out of excess textures to update your eyeballs with, so we need to take a week off to pump them out like a mother with no birth control so we have sustenance for your senses like a sweet, sweet steak that you devour piece by piece. Don’t worry, we’ll make up for it.  Idea reserves activate! We hope you understand. In the mean time (time is so so mean), feel free to give us suggestions so we have an even bigger backlog to fufill and for you to enjoy with all your might.

Suggestions page now open!

OK.I will try to keep this short and nice.I have opened up a suggestion page for you all to suggest costumes.I hope you use it instead of posting in the news asking for a costume…not that I really had a problem with,nor do PZT or Phreeq but I really think it would all be more organized this way and will give us some sort of “list” so we can check out what to do if we don’t have any ideas.

Here it is:

This texture jumps out at you like a rat in your underwear drawer.

Today we have a texture based off of a poor, poor neglected enemy from Super Mario World; the Blarggs. The little lava monsters won our hearts by submerging from the lava for a few seconds, and then re-submerging into the lava. This can be considered a sequel to our good friend Hawkmouth, this texture was originally going to be a double update with his bird holiness but we wanted to take the time to refine and perfect his lavamonster likeness to it’s fullest form. This is V4. Now let me spare you this Berlin Wall of text and get over to our good friend the update. Sorry about the lateness, we hope the update makes up for it.

Continue reading ‘This texture jumps out at you like a rat in your underwear drawer.’

Somebody stuffed Marill full of helium…

So we made Marill as a custom costume. GOTTA KETCHUP AAAAAAAALL POH-KAY-MAWN. Onto the update.

Continue reading ‘Somebody stuffed Marill full of helium…’

Thy elder of Koopas!

Today comes an obscure character that noone ever knew of (since he’s an original creation,off course).
This is King Bowser’s dad.Yes,he may be old,but he’s ready to kick some ASS!

I sure hope Bowser isn’t angry at him,tho.He is an overprotective father,or so we where told.But,he comes to kick ass,so I doubt he will take care of his son at all…

Continue reading ‘Thy elder of Koopas!’


Today we have a texture that was originally intended to be CD-i Link, but it didn’t turn out exactly as planned. Me and Androu had a debate as to the official name of it, but we didn’t reach a decision. We leave the naming up to you, the viewer, as to the name of this orange haired crusader. Pics time!


Enter the bird’s mouth to get to the next level…WHAT?!? IT’S FIGHTING?!?

Well, apparently Hawkmouth from SMB2 grew legs and got uppity! Well, I guess we’ll just have to make due. You defeated Birdo, Mouser, and countless others. I’m sure you can handle this guy as well. And, yes, we’re back. Didn’t take too long eh? Now for your fix for today.

Continue reading ‘Enter the bird’s mouth to get to the next level…WHAT?!? IT’S FIGHTING?!?’

We will be back…VERY soon!

So people,as you may know,my Wii is bust’d! BUT NO MORE! I just got a call telling me to go look for it,since it’s now fix’d! This pretty much means that there WILL be a update for tonight if everything goes down smoothly.

Thanks for the support during this updateless time (which we feared would be longer,but we are pretty lucky)

The problem with my Wii was that the modchip block’d itself (I dunno why it does that) so I pretty much had to get the modchip changed.But I don’t care as long as it works 😀

EDIT: got my Wii back already!

The d00d that fix’d my Wii said I’m LUCKY my Wii didn’t burn! Apparently,the modchip I had was a crappy faulty one,made to last like 2 months or so…

All they had to do was take the old chip out and put a new one in.The new one is pwnzome,too.It seems to work way better than the other one.For one,some games didn’t show up in the Disc Channel (like all our texture burns,for example) but now they work flawlessly.