Well, apparently Hawkmouth from SMB2 grew legs and got uppity! Well, I guess we’ll just have to make due. You defeated Birdo, Mouser, and countless others. I’m sure you can handle this guy as well. And, yes, we’re back. Didn’t take too long eh? Now for your fix for today.
Awesome Idea!
very well done as well 😛 congrats on getting your Wii fixed as well
i agree with leon2457.
Flippin’ ‘ey, YES! You guys’s texture hacks never cease to amaze me with your creativity! 😀
Genius! I never would have thought of that.
Nicely done.
Good to see you back in business.
Hmm. Once you learn transparency, would it be possible to make everything but his head transparent? That’d make him an avid fighter: You can’t block or dodge something you can’t see.
Chicken Falco.
Do it. Do it now!