Today we have a texture that was originally intended to be CD-i Link, but it didn’t turn out exactly as planned. Me and Androu had a debate as to the official name of it, but we didn’t reach a decision. We leave the naming up to you, the viewer, as to the name of this orange haired crusader. Pics time!
My first comment on this site lulz.
I though Ghosteo were the only one to know about texture hacking, but you guys know as well !
A cool idea would be Link with OoT Link’s face. It would be epic win xD.
Oh and for the name, how about Robin Link ? XD Or Classic Link. Or even One of the most epic texture modification ever Link.
Stack Smash (not ghosteo) weren’t even the ones to figure this out.They only perfected this fine art.Pharrox was the one that started it all,then they came in and did awesome stuff…and then WE came in and did more awesome stuff!
And I think “One of the most epic texture modification ever Link” will be the official name (lol)
Wow, nice. The bright colors… lol.
I have a question for you. I know you guys don’t know how to do transparency yet, but would it be possible to apply Tabuu’s texture to characters? Because a Tabuu Meta Knight would be very cool.
ha ha ha, CD-i Link gone wrong XD I say Retro Link
The first thing I thought when I saw this was “CD-I Link”… therefore, I’m going with that. I hadn’t even read the description, and I had already thought CD-I Link… so… I’m going with that. ;P
GREAT job, as always. He’s certainly a bright character here.
Give him a feather and a edited hat model once youve gotten ghosteos guide and hed be exactly like Robin Hood. Great work as always guys, and i expect it will be even better once yu get deeper into this.
They can’t give him a feather since they can’t edit models. They could add a feather picture onto his hat though.
Thanks your message has very much helped me:)
Thanks your message has very much helped me:)
Thanks your message has very much helped me:)
WELL Excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me! Princess
Ok, how about a third choice. Piece of junk.
Robin Hood doesn’t even have a sword…
Nah, ‘Piece of Junk’ doesn’t quite roll off the tongue like ‘one of the most epic modifications ever Link’ does!
uh, spam much?
awesome, NES link