Author Archive for Captain Jim

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Frienderrrrr Jeeeeeet!

And now, another Tatsunoko character no one will know! Which is sad, because it’s a wonderful thing to know.

Today’s update is of the faithful Friender, mechanical companion of the great robot hunter Casshern!
This mechanized canine is a wonder, not only sporting powerful weapons, but being able to transform into vehicles when Casshern needs them! In fact, Casshern and Friender partly inspired Mega Man and Rush (respectively). And so, have an introduction into the wonderful world of Tatsunoko, with Freinder! Continue reading ‘Frienderrrrr Jeeeeeet!’

The crossover begins.

Mario and Sonic.

Fanboys clamor for a crossover game, claiming that it’d be the best game in the history of evarrr. And so, Nintendo and Sega shook hands, and the process begun.

Mario and Sonic stared in awe at the monstrous machine before them. It was called the “Crossover…er”, and it was the latest of technologies, made from the collaborative minds of Nintendo and Sega.

Mario and Sonic stepped nervously into their pods, ready to begin the “crossover.” The machine sprung to life, a horrible noise filling the air. At that moment, a Sega intern by the name of Miles Prower hit a wrong switch.

The Crossover-er exploded. As the smoke cleared, a lone figure stumbled out of the wreckage…a horrible, deformed creature…

The Somari was born.

Continue reading ‘The crossover begins.’

Little does Speed know…

That this is actually his brother, Rex Racer, who ran away from home many years ago.


In case you didn’t catch it the first time, Racer X is really Speed Racer’s older brother Rex, who went missing years ago.

Speed has no clue that these are pics of his brother, Rex Racer. Continue reading ‘Little does Speed know…’

Warning, Spoilers Approaching!

Spoliers for the first chapter of MOTHER 3 inside!

Continue reading ‘Warning, Spoilers Approaching!’

Double Update: The Fallen Five….REUNITED AGAIN!

In the time of Melee, there stood five warriors…when the Brawl rolled around, they were not to be seen.
Over time, the summoners of a mighty organization awakened three of the Fallen Five from their slumber.

The noble warrior, with a blade of fire.
The medic, with a tendency for malpractice.
And the underestimated rodent, with power packed in its small frame.

But that left two…two that have not returned….

Until now.
The telekenetic god of creatures, numbered 150, born by artificial means…

The young boy, with sword in hand, clad in green, ready to do what it takes…

They return.

The Five are complete again.

Continue reading ‘Double Update: The Fallen Five….REUNITED AGAIN!’

Kibbles and…wings?

His golden helm shines in the bright sunlight of Dream Land, proudly sporting his claim to fame…the Cutter Blade.

Whether supporting Kirby, or battling against him, Sir Kibble is a noble warrior, fighting until the very last breath.

Rumor has it that Sir Kibble has been taking some sort of lessons from another of  Dream Land’s fabled knights. What could this mean…? Continue reading ‘Kibbles and…wings?’

‘Ow about a shave?

In the filth-hole town known as London, on Fleet Street, there is a shop, Mrs. Lovett’s Meat Pies. The meat pies are the most delicious in London…but no one knows what kind of meat is is…no one except Lovett herself and the barber upstairs, who happens to supply the meat…

Come to think of it, some people who go into the barber shop are never seen again.

Just what happens to the customers of Sweeney Todd?

Continue reading ‘‘Ow about a shave?’

Robotnik’s Great Mechanical Impersonator

Created to destroy that which he was based off of…

A machine…with a need for speed…

Dr. Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik, the unsurpassed mechanical genius, created this…imposter to take down that blasted Sonic once and for all!


Continue reading ‘Robotnik’s Great Mechanical Impersonator’

A message for everyone.


Master Luke, please! Be reasonable!

This ‘bot has made skillz in interpreting, and his numbah one homie speaks in beeps and boops. His mastah is the son of da man who made him! Worshiped by Ewoks, ignored by his homies, it’s the gold-covahed ‘bot…


Continue reading ‘Master Luke, please! Be reasonable!’