Author Archive for PZT
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…We decided one Steven Spielberg cartoon just wasn’t cutting our nostalgia quota. So what did we do you may ask?
“No kid, don’t look behind that poster…****!”
I (PZT) upgraded the site, which broke our theme. When trying to fix the banner width I broke our banner, then when I fixed the banner I broke the comments and gallery. We are sorry for all the trouble, and I think you owe me a thank you because I didn’t get any sleep last night. >_> Until next time, so long and thanks for all the fish. So sad it had to end like this. We tried to warn you but oh dear. So long so long, and thanks for all the fish. The world’s about to be destroyed, no point getting all annoyed, sit back and let the planet dissooooooolve. Despite those nets of tuna fleets, we thought most of you were sweet, especially your tiny tots and pregnant women. So long so long so long so long so long. So long so long so long so long so long. Yeah. so long and thanks for all the fish. So sad it had to end like this. We tried to warn you but oh dear. So long so long, and thanks for all the fish. The world’s about to be destroyed, no point getting all annoyed, sit back and let the planet dissooooooolve. Despite those nets of tuna fleets, we thought most of you were sweet, especially your tiny tots and pregnant women. So long so long so long so long so long. So long so long so long so long so long. Yeah!
I think he’s from some game with plumbers, turn-based battles, and isometric viewpoints. I dunno. Check for yourself.
You heard the title. And before anyone asks, no this does not mean ESH and PN are merging with Stack Smash, it means we’re absorbing their power through the Potara earrings in order to fight Majin Buu lending them server space so they don’t get raped shut down like Syntax-Error and Team Twilight. You can spam access ESH here:
It also means the SCHC is now closer to reaching it’s goal of world domination making one unified orgy Smash hacking community.
TT got the EE treatment; Nintendo went after them too. I, for one, will never buy a Nintendo product new ever again. -PZT
JUSTICE EDIT BY BIRD PERSON. NONE of that crap is true. Team Twilight was closed by the server. Leon was told to “remove copyright-infringing content.” Technically no, none of it actually is infringement, but you get the idea. Leon’s HOST shut him down because they were scared of potential lawsuits. But this is what I believe happened with Syntax Error, too. PZT is caught up in the “Raganook is my friend and would not lie to me,” but see? Raganook was lied to himself. He’s said even he never saw a real letter from Nintendo. The host people just said that. So PZT, listen to me. They didn’t lie to us. They relayed a lie. I give my sincerest apologies for thinking it was the ]EE[ team who made up that hoax.
I know I sound like I’m trying to make a big deal… but on the contrary I’m just trying to dispel lies that made this more dramatic than it should be. The end. Good night and rest easy knowing that Nintendo never attacked a Brawl hacking team nor will they ever get us, thanks to PZT eliminating his own position as host for Stack Smash and putting us on this [horrible] server.
If you’re not a retard, everything you need to figure this out is in the text files. Also, there will be no halt to updates in the foreseeable future. Hacks will be uploaded as they are updated. Post your incredibly happy exclamations of glee in the comment section, thank you. Don’t forget to visit the SCHC as well!
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