So….Jigglypuff learned a new ability today. She learned COPY.

Some say she learned it from her husb—friend, Kirby. We don’t know and we don’t care, but she copied some Game & Watch for sure!

She sure looks nice in this black and white style! Also, one of Leon’s first costumes!


Continue reading ‘WHARS MAH COLORS?!’

It’s the great pumpkin Charlie Brown.

*dances for no apparent reason*

Continue reading ‘It’s the great pumpkin Charlie Brown.’


Hmm, tonight’s character is a bit of an oddity. He’s the “brother” of Megaman, technically. His name is Protoman, but we must acknowledge that he could have been Meltedman. He’s always wanted a real brother relationship. He’s tried going straight but Megaman still mistrusts him. </kajetokun> Anyway, this is another great hack from Dhragen, even if the colors are a little off.

Continue reading ‘GETTIN’ SENTIMENTAL’


Or should we say PINK, because tonight’s hack update is a version of Link from the best Zelda game ever. (Ocarina of Time sucked *equips flameshield*) And his oddly pink hair. But this Link is also decked out with all his gear. Including a golden sword, a red tunic, and, of course, his weird pink hair. So don your master sword, get some rupees out of the Chris Houlihan room, head into the Dark World, and brace for a duel to the death with Agahnim, because it’s time for some LINK TO THE PAST. Note: StarShadow72, or StarShadow76 or whatever, head to the IRC, the team would like to talk to you about something. Is a seekrit.


TRIPLE UPDATE: I believe I can fly…

Tonight’s update is about Super Mario Galaxy. Before you start screaming WELCOME, WELCOME NEW GALAXYYYYYYYYY, let me explain what’s going on here. The first hack featured here is Mario, in all of his flying attire. Even though the colors may be swastika-style (red black and white), I think it looks pretty good. The second is Flying Luigi, from the same game. Weegee has always taken to imitating his brother in the most blatant ways possible, so this isn’t much of a shock. The third, is actually sort of an original creation, resembling Fire Wario in Wario-spins of Mario powerups and suits. Yes, Wario can now fly, as Flying Wario! Can’t let Mario and Luigi have all the fun can we? I thought not. So grab your red stars and get flying. Flying over the jump, that is, to see these glorious hacks.

Continue reading ‘TRIPLE UPDATE: I believe I can fly…’

Stack Smash vs ]EE[

So yeah, there’s a battle between myself and Skyos from Syntax Error coming up in a few days. They’ve started a poll on their site so go and vote for me to win mmkay?


EDIT: There will be a fan favorite texture match so make sure to go vote for that too!

Commemorating Tatsunoko vs Capcom…

We’ve turned Falcon into one of Tatsunoko’s signature characters! I think Speed is a Tatsunoko character. This guy is one of the anime characters to hitch the localization jump to America, although since the anime craze was way after his time he was with the normal cartoons. Hit the jump to see the guy who had a 2008 movie flop, but had great original stuff. Racer X will be caught, he will. This is for you CaptainJim. You can stop begging us now, heheh.

Continue reading ‘Commemorating Tatsunoko vs Capcom…’

Another Mystery Man Steps Out From The Shadows!

It seems Count Bleck’s assistant Nastasia has brainwashed another victim. And this time she got Mario!

Continue reading ‘Another Mystery Man Steps Out From The Shadows!’

The Cursed Mask Claims Another!

Looks like Metaknight found a new mask, but it’s not a good one!

It seems that Majora’s Mask has found itself a new wearer. Better take care of this fast Link, I think Metaknight will cause you a lot more trouble than that pesky Skull Kid!

Continue reading ‘The Cursed Mask Claims Another!’

To Resonate With You Update

From the universe of Symphonia comes the child prodigy Genis!

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