Archive for the 'Smash Bros.' Category

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Pokemon D/P Snowpoint City Gym revamp V2

Another revamp to this stage. This is as close to the ingame version as I can get it now. Goes over the Summit. I added a Weavil and the snowballs that are in the gym in the ingame version. However only one is in the forground so they do not interrupt gameplay. The stage also isn’t as slippery as the last version do to the fact I changed the collisions. Goes over Jungle Japes with no rel. Enjoy


Tron Luigi

Yeah, another Luigi texture…

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Rice Beach

An original stage based on Rice Beach from Wario Land.

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Mega Man

On Luigi…
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Double Update! A Minister and a Mask

I’ve finished the Ancient Minister (for now at least), and I’ve also got something I’ve wanted to do since the days of vertex hacking in this update too.
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I Hate Posting Unfinished Work

But fuck It, It’s better than nothing.
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The Colors Feel So Flat

Starwaffle did a revamp of his Paper Mario model a few weeks ago. This version allows you to make recolors of It, so I did some. Kind of surprised no-one else has done any yet, but anyway, let’s take a look at mine.
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And now, for Something Tasteless

This hack is quite racist, so just a heads up for anyone who might overreact to this kind of thing.
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Stop SOPA Ness

A simple Ness edit I made to protest the Stop Online Piracy Act, also known as SOPA. I apologize that this site didn’t go dark to protest yesterday. Hopefully we’re making up for It with this. But probably not.
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Pokemon HG/SS Burned Tower

The burned tower you find the 3 legendary dogs in, in heartgold soulsilver.  i though it would be cool to add a second level instead of making this another 3 part stage. Continue reading ‘Pokemon HG/SS Burned Tower’