Archive for the 'Dhragen' Category

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The most powerful force in the ranks of the Pigmask Army…

The mysterious Commander…he seems to be the only one besides Lucas who can pull the needles! The already difficult task has become a race to the finish?

The meek young boy vs. the mysterious Masked Man!

Continue reading ‘C-c-commander!’

Cinder, but no Smoke.

Remember how I said that the emerald technique can be used to create characters with reflective effects? Well, Dhragen was pondering what sort of hacks he made that could benefit from this. He got an idea. I present Cinder 2.0. (as a side-note, emeraldized hacks aren’t effected by the universal darkening or lightening of some stages, as evidenced by these Halberd took pics, also, they don’t turn metal when a metal box is obtained)

Continue reading ‘Cinder, but no Smoke.’

Remember those days?

Those days when the greatest F-Zero racer, aka Captain Douglas J. Falcon, was also one of the greatest and fastest characters in Super Smash Bros. Melee?  Top-notch speed and raw power made him the Smash God that we all remember.

But in Brawl, things changed. New faces with new abilities joined the roster; and the evil hands of the development team, guided by a malevolent demon called “Sakurai,” brought to ruin the captain’s former glory…..

We of Stack Smash still remember those times, and we think those newcomers deserve a taste of Falcon’s true power!


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Testing, testing, 1 2 3

Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Emerald Textures

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The one winged angel…

White hair flowing in the wind…sunken green eyes, surveying the world that will fall…

Black trenchcoat rustling softly…his hand resting softly on the handle of the legendary Masamune…

Has the Final Fantasy franchise seen a villain greater than Sephiroth?

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The most evil texture even created…..

The time is over, this texture was supposed to be a funny one, but…in game, he ends looking freaking scary and….evil. His only purpose is to give children goosebumps, hypnotizing them with the power of capitalism and off-the-charts prices.

I don’t now if i want to shows this texture to you people, but i want to save my live from him…for a couple of days at least……sorry….

He was your “hero” when you was a little child, but now he’s evil, corporative evil, …………….from a cute mouse to an really grotesque and scummy mouse… still gives me nightmares………

Continue reading ‘The most evil texture even created…..’

Good thing that i found a magic ba……….

Welll guys, this was one of my oldest textures that was supposed to be updated earlier, but he can’t since we (Lazy folks) don’t tested it, but who cares?? it’s finally here! (Keep in mind that this isn’t today’s midnight update, its a simple texture anyway)

The percursor of death, the armageddon of destruction…… we need to keep his uncontrolable power…….. so we summoned him in a circle, balloon pokemon……….. keeping his energy, and his unique ability, for future purposes………

Jigglypu………no……….no more………….with the power of destroy the live with just his eyes…….now we knows him under the codename of……..W.E.E.G.E.E.P.U.F.F…………

Continue reading ‘Good thing that i found a magic ba……….’

Tired of VII Stuff??, NEXT!!

In textures, everything began with Syntax Error, making the famous swordman from Final Fantasy VII, Cloud Strife, in his Kingdom Hearts design. After their fall, some people tried to create Cloud again (Even ESH) and/or stuff from his game (Like us with Red XIII, a playable character from the same game).FF VII is an awesome game and all, but it seems kinda overrated due to it’s popularity.

So, what do we think?? That Final Fantasy doesn’t start or ends in VII, and we already prove that digging from the past the stuff from the percursor of this franquise (AKA Final Fantasy I), but what about the games AFTER VII? LET’S MOVE AHEAD!!!

A lonely antisocial guy in black costumes with a weapon that acts like two, and a playful young dedicated to the thievery, with blond hair but with a……… TAIL!!?? What is the relation beetween those two, too different characters????

They are the Main protagonist from Final Fantasy VIII and IX, and also playable characters in “Dissidia: Final Fantasy”. Squall Leonheart.. and Zidane Tribal…Welcome to Brawl!!!

Continue reading ‘Tired of VII Stuff??, NEXT!!’

Two Hudson Heroes Join The Brawl!


It’s more than “that company with the bee that makes the Mario Party games.”

Oh, no. They’re much more than that.

They made games on the TURBOGRAFX created beautiful masterpieces of games. Today, the heroes of two of their wonderful franchises join the Brawl.

One is a pudgy lad, trying to save his love by battling through island obstacles.

The other likes to blow things up.

A little bird bee told me that you’d like to see the pics. Well, here they are. Continue reading ‘Two Hudson Heroes Join The Brawl!’

Us, here at SS…

…We decided one Steven Spielberg cartoon just wasn’t cutting our nostalgia quota. So what did we do you may ask?

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