In textures, everything began with Syntax Error, making the famous swordman from Final Fantasy VII, Cloud Strife, in his Kingdom Hearts design. After their fall, some people tried to create Cloud again (Even ESH) and/or stuff from his game (Like us with Red XIII, a playable character from the same game).FF VII is an awesome game and all, but it seems kinda overrated due to it’s popularity.
So, what do we think?? That Final Fantasy doesn’t start or ends in VII, and we already prove that digging from the past the stuff from the percursor of this franquise (AKA Final Fantasy I), but what about the games AFTER VII? LET’S MOVE AHEAD!!!
A lonely antisocial guy in black costumes with a weapon that acts like two, and a playful young dedicated to the thievery, with blond hair but with a……… TAIL!!?? What is the relation beetween those two, too different characters????
They are the Main protagonist from Final Fantasy VIII and IX, and also playable characters in “Dissidia: Final Fantasy”. Squall Leonheart.. and Zidane Tribal…Welcome to Brawl!!!
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