This is an WIP so it isn’t finished yet.The main problem here is that his cape and shoulder armor thing have mipmaps.Noone of us know how to deactivate them,or make them not annoy our life with their crappyness.None-the-less,this costume is pretty good as it is.
This was suggested by Starry Might.Just goes to show that we do consider suggestions.
Awesome, purple’s my favorite color. It’d be awesome if you could do a purple Meta Knight as well, or even a purple Sonic. lol, some simple color swaps would be awesome. BTW, how do you plan to make these available in the future?
We’re still working on that, and hopefully we’ll know soon. If all else fails, we’ll just offer up the raw file.
As if he wasn’t gay enough just wearing his sister’s tiara. XD
>.> no name calling plz..
…wow thats uhhh……supercalalagafristicexpialadoshis!
uh…more like supercalalagafristicexpialagayshis! Not the texture, its awesome but why put purple? I thought he was gay enough. jk jk
I <3 purple