Archive for the 'BP' Category

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I made textures, you make stages.

A city theme for the stage builder. It replaces the ruins template (STGEDIT_2.pac). The obvious motive was to make a Fourside that felt more like Fourside, but I didn’t put in any recognizable buildings except for that fortune cookie building from Australia… so the template has more potential–Saffron City, perhaps.
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In honor of the second-best Wii game of 2009…

A game that is, in many ways, an answer to the pleas of complaining gamers who call themselves “hardcore” but don’t care to try anything new…
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I don’t wanna be an elf…

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Here’s Something

I’m on hiatus right now but will have at least one Christmas texture before coming out of it and getting back in full force.

Till then here’s a really old Rainbow Mario texture I made when I was teaching myself Emerald textures (it is old). I know ESH has got one also, but whatever!
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The black wind howls…

Hey, I made Magus, dudes. But guess what. It’s not Zelda.
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That’s a nice right arm ya got there…

Step one: Play the Capcom game God Hand for PlayStation 2.
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That’s the sound a Wa-kart makes when you drive it on
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Oh a Monkey

I made Diddy Kong a dashing, fancy tuxedo that fit him better than a glove. I told him “I’ll be back to take pics for an update at 5, do whatever you want until then.”
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Beep beep boop

Some Mr. Game & Watches.
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We’re finally back and we’re not stopping for formalities

Ay-oh. Stack Smash has returned from the down. So what do we do now? We get back to business. Awaaaay we go.

It’s Frank. Frank West. Remember that name ’cause the whole world’s gonna know it in three days… Yes, it’s that zombie smashing/slashing/shooting/Servbot-heading/photoshooting man from Capcom’s smash hit game for the Xbox 360, Dead Rising! Or, Capcom’s lead balloon game for the Wii, Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop! Let’s just get to Frank’s favorite thing, then, eh… the photos:
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