Everybody loves huge round insects! Right? Right?

Yet again, more Pogeymans. Woo! Anyway, this little Pokemon is one of two in it’s evolutionary chain, being the pre-evolved one. It’s tiny, purple, round, and Bug-type. Anyway, update time!

12 Responses to “Everybody loves huge round insects! Right? Right?”

  • Awesome Venonat skin. You guys are alot better than Syntax-Error. Those guys are elitist pricks.

  • Also quite good, this one! You’re really getting great at this.

    I’m sorry you feel that way…

  • The Syntax Error guys, while having lots of great edits, also have tons of stupid ones., moreso than here. Invader Zim as Ness? If you’re going to even do Zim, make him Lucas at least!

  • @liero: I Think That’s Only Becasue You Guys Don’t do request… But Then again, I Could Be Wrong, It’s happened Before…
    EITHER WAY, syntax and stack both are DOING GRRRRRRRRRRREAT~!

  • Liero, he’s only saying that because he likes to kiss up to them XD
    anyway!, I like both Syntax error and Stack Smash :3

    Good idea on the Venonat skin 😀

  • I didn’t say they were bad, I just asked where the selection portraits were stored and they said they’d tell me when they finished up there first project so I couldn’t go make my own.

  • Syntax has some awesome ones but a lot of ones that are just crappy ones that make me think “Did you really have to do that character? They don’t look the ____ at all.”

    I love how Syntax Error uses transparency though.

    Good textures, but shouldn’t the feet be more of a flesh colour?

  • Jigglypuff’s skin texture is only one pixel and it applies for the entire body except for the eyes, so yeah.

  • @Menneb, Knucklesthegreat

    I will admit that some of our members aren’t as “diplomatic” as they should be…I apologize on their behalf I suppose…And yeah we don’t normally take requests, but to be honest this project is for us. We’re merely sharing it with the rest of the world. It seems like these guys are more interested in what the public wants. Anyways these guys are doing great. I’m sure you’ll see all sort of awesome stuff from them in the near future.

  • Yeah,don’t be laying the hate on Ghosteo and his team.But they,unlike us,have all practically planned.You could say we are more “happy-go-lucky” and yes,we try to do what WE want and what the PUBLIC wants too.You could say that we are doing this more for the public than for ourselves.

    But really,seeing these costumes and reading the public response on them is awesome.

    “Anyways these guys are doing great. I’m sure you’ll see all sort of awesome stuff from them in the near future.”

    That future is when your team releases that guide for palettes and stuff.I know I could probably go out and do some random stuff with them and probably figure them out (like I did with mipmaps,they just where too much of a roadblock for me at the time and I couldn’t wait for the guide) but I really don’t know much about palettes (they have way more uses than the mips,as far as I know/I know nothing about them).

    Anyway,thanks for the comments Ghosteo.Really means a lot to see you support us 🙂

  • Wow really cool costume, great work.


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