Tonda Gossa! Tonight we bring you a rather smelly hero and experienced (sort of) thief who knows how to play a classic stand-up bass. It’s Duster! He’ll kick you and your chimeras with unfathomable speed and probably get caught on a clothesline with a Mr. Saturn or something.
FIRST!!!!!!!!!! hopefully…..
Nice! Really like this one, good work.
yeah good work xD
nice one!
WOOO fourth lol
wow you guys are doing ALOT of lucus mods!
epis ;_;
Very nicely done; remarkable work on his face. I was wow’d. 😀
AMAZING! Could you make Darth Vader’s apprentice from Marth?
Who is this guy? :-S
Go Bird Person!
New character! All right!
Hey can anyone help me convert my tga files to tpl? the guide is a little confusing.
Doesn’t Duster have dark blue on his back and not white?
It needs more afro :<
Anyone know where I can find tcsedit.exe?
lol he reminds me of Mr. saturn lol i like his eyes.
Next thing: Kumatora out of Peach, please! Or Zelda, though the hair is not fitting.
Good job on this one.
And what about Boney out of Yoshi :’DDDDDDDD
what we need is the famous FLINT NORRIS!!!XD
haha… so epic…
Hey I know this is off topic (and I’m sure there are plenty of forums where this is already being discussed), but I just got back from a 9 day road trip to find the syntaxerror site gone and all this news on a lawsuit….what? lol. So what I want to know is if anyone has any outside contact with any of them and knows all the details and if not are you guys (stacksmash) going to release your own hack or lay low? If all ideas of a hack coming are officially scrapped is there anyway directions on how to do this could be posted so we can do them ourselves?
As a Mother 3 fan, I say that this is kick-ass.
I second italian boy. Could a patch be released periodically so that the problem with syntaxerror doesnt happen here too?
One of your better Lucas costumes, I’m impressed!
Definitly make Kuma out of Zelda.
Awesome! Make some more Mother 3-related texture hacks!
@ Naraku2000: No, Peach should be Hinawa, Zelda can be Kumatora, Yoshi should be Drago/Mecha Drago and Pikachu should be Boney.
29th! lol