A stage hack. ;D
Right well, I made Mushroomy Kingdom more true to its original appearance in Super Mario Bros. before, but this time, I’ve made it a lot more accurate and a lot prettier.
Credit to Pik for the flag.
We do shit right!
A stage hack. ;D
Right well, I made Mushroomy Kingdom more true to its original appearance in Super Mario Bros. before, but this time, I’ve made it a lot more accurate and a lot prettier.
Credit to Pik for the flag.
You’re too slo-ow
This is awesome, But I have a question. Are going to update with this tomorrow? Because I have a stage hack that I want to update with tomorrow too.
Yeah I plan on updating with this tomorrow, normally I’d be a gentleman and allow you to update, but I think it would be better to get this out of the way first, as it’s a bit annoying hanging around uselessly. :/
Ok, Fine. By the way, Were you able to remove the sand the blows in the wind?
Sadly not, I wonder if it can be edited out with polygon removal…
Right, I’ve made it public and now our comments have lost context.
Impressive, Sakurai would be proud!
Looks very good. Nice job. One thing, though. Why is the flag sign a Peace sign instead of that skull sign? Because it got restored to its living and peaceful state? Lol. I’d like to see a version with the skull, if that’s not too much. Also, I believe you can remove the sand by replacing the ef_stage file with another one.
Super Mario Bros… in HD!!
It’s a peace sign in the original Super Mario Bros, except it’s upside down in it.
I is actually a skull.
In fact, it looks nothing like a peace sign -_-
I’ll see if I can make a green skull then. ;o
It just looks like a circle with an X in it to me…
What BP said.
This is way better than my over-saturated junk.
I dont know about you guys, but the flag looks like it has an H in it, not an X or a peace sign.
Falco: Waht nao?
Capt. Falcon: WAHT NAO?!
Falco: Yeh, waht nao?
Capt. Falcon: ILL TELL YOU…
Capt. Falcon: FAAAALCON
Capt. Falcon: PAWNCH!!!!!!!!!
Falco: *dies*
I dont know.
kill me
Get the fuck out of here, ZeroBlade.