Author Archive for BP

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SSC 02: Stack SMAAAASH!!

This is actually SMAAAASH!! #33, paying tribute to various (mostly Adnrou’s because they fit the parts) hacks, but PZT wanted me to post it here too. Of course, it’s also shameless advertising for me. I’m very awesome. Here you go.

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If you are wise, you’ll listen to me!

What do you get when you guzzle down sweets?

Eating as much as an elephant eats?

Where are you at getting terribly fat?

What do you think will come? Of? That?

I like the look of pics:

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Remniscient of an old man named Marty

I’d like to address an issue in the Brawl retexturing community that for lack of a better word, just sucks. It’s all this competitiveness between us at Stack Smash and the other teams, Kitty Corp and Elite Smash Hackers. All of these claims that one team is stealing ideas from another. All this bitterness about whose hacks are better.


What is the point? Why can’t the community be friendlier? Why compete? So what if two teams create the same basic idea? Is it really that big of a deal? I have a dream in which this competitive idiocy is over, in which we can all shut up and enjoy each other’s hacks. To the other hacking teams: what do you say?

Let’s Get Mature!

Someone’s copying Nintendo’s gimmicks. And this time, it’s not Sony (gaaaaasssspp!!) So, are all the characters in Brawl a little too kiddy for you? Do you need some more hardcore? I’ve got just the thing for you–The Xbox 360 Robot!

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Yoshi’s tired of fighting naked like a Viking. He went out and got himself some clothes. His choice? A dapper tuxedo. I guess if you’re only going to own one set of clothes, it should be good for formal occasions. Such as throwing Smart Bombs at Lucario.

Proceed to view the images.

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I’m Duster! Guys, I really am Duster!

Tonda Gossa! Tonight we bring you a rather smelly hero and experienced (sort of) thief who knows how to play a classic stand-up bass. It’s Duster! He’ll kick you and your chimeras with unfathomable speed and probably get caught on a clothesline with a Mr. Saturn or something.


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