Begin the test of island courage! Good luck!

Tonight we bring you the hero of the best NES game that was never formally remade or ported to anything but the Wii Virtual Console. That’s right, I’m talking about Mike Jones, the 15-year-old ace pitcher from Seattle who travels to the southern archipelago to meet with his Uncle, Dr. J to find him abducted by an unknown perpetrator in the spectacular English-only title, StarTropics. Otherwise known as the guy in Captain Jim’s name logo for the team page.

If you’ve never played StarTropics, I strongly recommend it. It’s like The Legend of Zelda with jumping, better music, and cooler weapons and bosses. As I said, you can get it on the Virtual Console. But not if you live in Japan. The sequel, Zoda’s Revenge (which was truly a USA-exclusive release and never even hit Europe) is better in terms of gameplay and has higher-quality graphics, but lacks the music and some of the charm the original had.

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