Mario and Luigi dissaprove of this update.

Well, we sure are some assholes…bringing back some ol’ enemies for good ol’ Mario and Luigi to fight.

Actually, they PROBABLY enjoy the challenge…but I want them to suffer! :O

Anyway, we made 2 hacks that were requested and one that makes me (Androu1) love myself. It’s kind of a secret that I like pretty much the design of pretty much all Mario enemies (BIRDO BEING ONE OF THE EXCEPTIONS) so I felt I should brought some of them back…like now…

Well, here come Shyguy, Rex and Wart!

(Rex and Wart kinda based on NickTendoDS/CyberMaroon’s “mock ups”)

(Androu1: I may think of tweaking Shyguy’s face and shield a little. Mostly the shield)

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