Archive for the 'RoyPh123X' Category

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a team of my own that I formed back in June hasn’t really been recognized, and I wouldn’t want the team to go unnoticed. The name of the team is Electronic Core, If you like a texture please comment and if not tell us whats wrong with it,  So click the link below to see some pretty nice textures done by me and my team.

Clicks Meh



yes… the crossover between Earthbound and Wind Waker… I’ve created a monster… I’ve created…..

Continue reading ‘EarthWaker…’

FATALITY [Triple Update]

at first I didn’t think this would work on Link…

but it did! Scorpian, Subzero and Ermac

Continue reading ‘FATALITY [Triple Update]’

Do you folks like coffee!?/Another New Member *updated*

hello I am new here at Stack Smash along with MXXD. Some of you may recognize me as the leader of the team Electronic Core (which I am still on I’m just also on Stack Smash now) and others may not know me in anyway. Regardless, I hope for everyone to enjoy my textures because I do make them constantly.

Continue reading ‘Do you folks like coffee!?/Another New Member *updated*’