We do shit right!
His lens comes down to scan for weak spots!
OMG that’s wicked
What does the scanny lensy thing say about it’s awesome level?
No. We are not having an over 9000 joke to ruin this amazing texture.
But I will!
IT’S OVER NINE-THOUSA- *Pig Tank cannoned*
I don’t get it. How come some this picture has the lens, another has 2, and the rest have no lens?
Still cool, though
@TAG You know how regularly the characters usually close one eye to aim and stuff? This is kinda like that, except they changed it to the lens coming down instead of an eye closing.
Ooooh. That makes sense.
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OMG that’s wicked
What does the scanny lensy thing say about it’s awesome level?
No. We are not having an over 9000 joke to ruin this amazing texture.
But I will!
IT’S OVER NINE-THOUSA- *Pig Tank cannoned*
I don’t get it. How come some this picture has the lens, another has 2, and the rest have no lens?
Still cool, though
You know how regularly the characters usually close one eye to aim and stuff? This is kinda like that, except they changed it to the lens coming down instead of an eye closing.
Ooooh. That makes sense.