We do shit right!
Always darker and taller and whatnot
MetaRorschach.: Please sir… May I have your mask? Rorschach of Movable Ink Spots: A-ha-ha! You are as presumptuous as you are static and lame. Tarnish notte majesty of my MOVABLE INK SPOTS!
MetaRorschach is not lame :<
ATLEAST HE ISN’T IRISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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MetaRorschach.: Please sir… May I have your mask?
Rorschach of Movable Ink Spots: A-ha-ha! You are as presumptuous as you are static and lame. Tarnish notte majesty of my MOVABLE INK SPOTS!
MetaRorschach is not lame :<
ATLEAST HE ISN’T IRISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!