We do shit right!
Chew him while he’s asleep
“He’s so delicious, we must eat him.”
I bet the Pikmin think that he’s just a big, pink potato (is it possible to recolor the Pikmin? Because if you can, then you should of recolored them pink, light blue, light green, and some other bright colors).
If I’m not mistaken, you can only recolor their leaves.
Is the purple pikmin eating his brain?
The Red Pikmin Doesn’t Do S***
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“He’s so delicious, we must eat him.”
I bet the Pikmin think that he’s just a big, pink potato (is it possible to recolor the Pikmin? Because if you can, then you should of recolored them pink, light blue, light green, and some other bright colors).
If I’m not mistaken, you can only recolor their leaves.
Is the purple pikmin eating his brain?
The Red Pikmin Doesn’t Do S***