Hmm, tonight’s character is a bit of an oddity. He’s the “brother” of Megaman, technically. His name is Protoman, but we must acknowledge that he could have been Meltedman. He’s always wanted a real brother relationship. He’s tried going straight but Megaman still mistrusts him. </kajetokun> Anyway, this is another great hack from Dhragen, even if the colors are a little off.

43 Responses to “GETTIN’ SENTIMENTAL”

  • No pictures? 😐

  • Ouch. I’ll fix that now.


  • we want the pictures!


  • REAL POST: Orange-ish Protoman + Purple-ish Megaman are full of awesome tatsy win!!!!

    And yeah, lets blame the Megaman Aniversary Scans again, XDDDDDD

  • 1. The pictures are already there, you aren’t the brightest one are you?

  • It’s awesome but it does need to be red, lol.

    The links of ALTTP Link and flying team
    send me to this page.

  • Wooooow. That’s amazing just how accurately this is portrayed. Wholly smokes… Captain Falcon really fits. o_O

  • 13th and my personal opinion is that it is kinda plain

  • Wtf. How is that Protoman? He’s not even red.

  • why is it that i have only had 1 update when i got like 5 reay and waiting?

  • @War: first to all, learn to read Asshole, the word “Lets blame Megaman Aniversay Scans” dont say you anything?

    and for the next try to write using your mind and not with your ass, we cant give your semen every day for the happiness of your butt.

    be happy, πŸ˜€

  • Totally awesome…
    and with the Ness-Megaman…
    Proto-Falcon can totally call him a ”little bro”

  • @ Dhragen

    But we already knew that protoman and megaman were blue and red…who can anyone blame common knowledge on a scan? Did it ever go occur to you that “hey the blue bomber is not purple” I don’t see a valid excuse unless there is something I am missing that makes the mistake viable. πŸ˜€ Also ease up on the isults man, you only made yourself look like an ass by putting down someone who noticed a slight correctable error even if they didn’t even bother to read the captions in the pictures that stated ya’ll were aware of the mistake.

  • Yes I do realize there are some typos in my post. lol Oh well too late! πŸ˜›

  • @Eisley: He is always trolling us with the “stop_giving_us_crap” guy, and i am tired of these guys that dont gave effort to the good, intense and acurrate job, I dont know why so many ]EE[ users hate us, We didn’t made anything!

    and yeah i dont prettend to sit here in a chair the 24 hours make intense hand drawing Textures and all, i have my live, the university and all, but i always use 5 hours at least per texture, for what, for call the trolls to blame my work???, >________>

    I have no problem if some people dont like the Character (personality and design), But i dont tolerate when people question my skills WITHOUT A GOOD ARGUMENT.

  • point taken, I am not really around here a lot to have known that. But seriously, people should appreciate works for what they are and not criticize for being crazy fanboys from either side.

  • Yeah, so many EE people troll us just for the stupid reason of taking sides. We have a lot of better hacks then some from EE and the same goes for them. Just because they need to feed their frail and fragile egos by slamming anyone that isn’t their holy EE. I’m sick of it. You can either be primitive and ignorant and take sides or you can be smart and appreciate the work of both teams. I have enough in my day without some morons who think they know what makes a good hack insulting me and my friends. This “Stop giving us crap!” guy needs to follow the advice of his own name or I’ll shut him up myself.

  • Well screw all the stupid trollers they don’t know how to appreciate anything thats giving to them. Me on the other hand loves Protoman on C.falcon, it fits so well dispite the scan but its still him. Anyone here that a fan of Mega Man or Capcom in general would ignore the slight color problem and be happy to use this texture, same goes for ]EE[ releasing the guide and their textures but apparently people are still gonna be idiotic douchebags no matter what.

    I hope my post makes you guys happy. πŸ™‚

  • Common issue since the beginnin. A rivalry created by fans, and both teams inadvertently get caught in the crossfire.

    Then again, no matter what people say of do, there’s no way ta stop em except ta quit altogether, and we all know that’s not likely, unless it ain’t fun anymore.

    May as well ignore trollers an flamers completely. Indulgin their whim is a foolish action that only brews more conflict, y’know?

  • BTW, bout the texture, pretty nice there, CF fits alotta folks. Protoman was one that didn’t cross my mind, heh.

    May wanna consider Marvel, Capcom, DC Comics, Mortal Kombat people that fit his build, since he matches many human-esque built folk.

  • The best megaman character, now in falcon form!
    contains 100% of pure concentrated win.
    -Teh Schonburger

  • I know you guys made it orangish for a reason- but will you make it red later on?

  • How am I trolling? I’ve said it before, I admire some of the textures you guys have done. I’m not gonna come here and kiss your ass and say “WOW TAHTS SO GRATE” every time you come up with something. When you do a good job, I will let you know. If you don’t know how to take criticism, then why are you posting your work in a public environment?

    All I said is that the texture does not look like Proto Man to me because it’s orange. You’re saying you’re basing it off of that magazine scan, but why couldn’t you just base it off of the REAL Proto Man’s colors? Whatever the reason is, it would have been smart to make note of that in the first post so we all know why he’s orange.

    I’m not trolling, and I’m not saying EE is better than you guys. You both have some good textures and some bad ones. There’s no reason for turning this into an EE vs SS battle.

  • I’m not saying that you shouldn’t criticize. I’m saying that I don’t choose what gets released. Every hack is released regardless of how it turns out. Chipmunkchu, etc. I can accept any outlook, I just don’t like people who come here day after day and say “sux” and they only stop when Dhragen releases something. Recolors aren’t all that bad. Sometimes less is more.

  • Also, I’m not Dhragen. Dhragen is Dhragen.

  • I didn’t know why he was orange, only Dhragen knew. He was asleep when I had to update.

  • Well, I’m sorry about my post, and I really didn’t mean to offend. Like I said, each side has their own pros and cons. I REALLY liked Ocarina Meta Knight and Magneto! This one just threw me off because of the colors, and I didn’t see anything mentioned about it being based on a magazine scan.

    So once again, I’m sorry Dhragen, I didn’t mean to offend. Next time, you might wanna hear my side of the story before calling me a… semen something. I dunno, I didn’t quite understand the insult.

  • Yeah, i overreacted about your comment, sorry again, XDD. Me and PZT are the angry dodos (Dont confuse with angry beavers, XDDD), but at least is a bit controlable, πŸ˜›

  • Eggboy: “why is it that i have only had 1 update when i got like 5 reay and waiting?”
    Maybe ’cause you’re the new guy? IDK, but the one that you WILL update that I saw should be revealed, ’cause it was pretty kick ass from what I remember.

    And PZT is right for once. If you like some team better, keep it to yourself, we don’t care, and if someone cares, then still shut up, ’cause saying “OMG ]EE[ iz so much beter den u guys and u guys suck OLOL!1!!!1111!” doesn’t make you cooler.

  • I agree that each team does their best and misguided ]ee[ fans need to lay off. Ive been following ]ee[ since the beginning but I like stuff on this site too, if you dont like a texture thats fine, just dont jump on the people trying to make it. Some of your textures are great so we (the watchers) need to show support for BOTH teams

  • I think it looks better as orange than it would red.

  • So… not sure if it was asked before, but just wondering… once EE releases their guide, will you guys go back to old textures and perfect them? Kinda like a Phase II sorta thing?

  • We already do that. Search the site for “revamped 4” and “revamped 5”.

  • Great job. Hopefully we’ll see more. ^_^ It would be nice if you fixed up the colors, but it’s all good if you don’t. And my favorite of the hacking group is Kitty Corp., cause it’s badace. xD

  • *Wistle* PROTO PAWNCH!! *Death noise*


  • I don’t know if this one can be edited a little or not, but I think that he should be a little more red and less orange, with a little more red clothing. Maybe up towards his shoulders?

    Otherwise, I like the idea.

  • plz post a Meganess vs Captain Proto video on Youtube. PLZ!?!?

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